Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Slooooow Count


9 Masters of the Bell show up despite the 90% humility for Day 3 of YHC’s takeover week.

This is how it when down

Hallelujah carrier to the bus loop

  • Invisible Jump Rope
  • Helicopters
  • Blueberry Pickers (aka Cherry Pickers with KB)
  • LBC’s
  • Merkins
  • Crab Cakes
  • Arm Circles

Catch Me If You Can – Partner up; First partner carriers both KB around the bus loop while second partner completes 20 merkins then run to catch the first partner. Switch, Rinse, and Repeat. Second lap run backwards.

Hallelujah carrier back to the parking lot

Lazy Dora – First partner start an exercise while second partner holds KB plank (hands on the handle of the KB). Switch at desired stopping point. Exercises were as follows:

  • 50 – Swings
  • 100 – Goblet Squats
  • 150 – Slingshots

Triple Check – KB Balls to the Wall, KB Burpees, and Side Lung

Sloooow Count – 10 Sidewalk Over The Head IC

Hallelujah to the SF

1 MOM – Boat/Canoe

Numberama, Namerama, Wild Thing took us out. 


YHC arrived around 5:25 to find Mudface and Emjoi already hanging out. The rest of the PAX kept rolling in but 5:29 there was still no sign of Pick 2 and the new Gloom Party Bus. At last the Gloom bus arrived only with Yard Sale and Wild Thing.

A request was send out to explore the Gloom Bus so headed to the bus loop. At this time YHC was corrected in regards to the number of passengers for the Bus. I guess we have to now EH 20 men for the Gloom Bus for Dogpile

YHC tried his best to set the pace with Helix during the catch me if can but man can fly. Also not sure if the agreed with PAX about running backwards on the 2nd loop

The PAX (well Mud Face) tried their best to heckle YHC anytime he called an IC exercises. This brought about the slow count during the over the head which the PAX normally does OYO. The verdict is still out if that was a success.

Glad to have some many Davilians out this morning. Hope this becomes a regular thing.

  • Spit’s takeover week in DaVille continues Friday at The Creek
  • PuppyPile 2.0 Workout is May 19th at Dogpile, starts at 7:05 a.m.
  • Memorial Day Convergance at Tredegar/Belle Isle May 28th. 7 am
  • F3RVA Summer Tour begins the weekend of Memorial Day and ends on Labor Day. Who will be the first to post at every AO this summer?




  1. Great job today fellas! See y’all in the gloom and maybe the Gloom bus on Friday??

  2. So who showed up with no “humility.” Oh well – it was pretty humid though! Great job Spit!