Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

No U Q


A PAX of four posted for the first Circus Maximus of May.  Attila arrived prepared to Q (as the signup sheet was empty as of the night before) but allowed YHC to take the lead for the morning.  Startup COP with SSHs, DQs, LBCs, Russian Soldiers, Helicopters, and Arm Circles.

Remain in place for first 8 minute EMOM – complete 12 to 15 KB Swings in the odd minute and the same range of Upright Rows for the even minute and take a break after completion of each minute’s reps.  Add a few more reps for the last minute of each exercise.  Break with some Mary.

Follow with another EMOM – 12 to 15 Dead Weight KB Squats alternated with Two Handed Overhead Presses.  Add a few more during the final set.  More Mary.

Another EMOM with Curls and 25 x Merkins.  Mary again.  Shift to the sidewalk for a couple of sets of Lat Pullovers alternated with One Handed Lawnmower Pulls.

Light stretching, then COT and Attila took us out.




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