Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Firestone Discus at SOT


YHC snuck in under the wire, risking an encounter with Chesterfield’s finest to find one lonely PAX member in the lot – Tobit.  The weather was PERFECT this morning and 2 or 20 we weren’t there for ballet class.

Warm Up:

SSH IC x 25

Cherry Pickers IC x 10

Hillbilly – YeeHaw IC x 10

‘Murcans IC x 10

APDs OYO x 10

Mosey to the track

8 minutes of AMLAP (As many Laps as Possible YHC was thankful that Tobit had the courtesy to only lap him one time!)

The Firestone Discus toss (You missed it Rosie) YHC and Tobit used various techniques (2 hands, Right hand and left hand) to toss two car tires for distance, A lot of fun and really stretched out the back, we will see that again)

Fox and Hound – The fox runs backward while the hound does 5 ‘murcans then chases in a forward sprint. (it took YHC 75 yards to catch Tobit!  A fun way to really push yourself).

Circuit: 20 dips OYO, 20 LBC OYO, 20 Military presses OYO using the weighted hurdle and 20 curls-for-the-girls with the hurdle) x 2

One fast lap, 20 APDs OYO

Work on the jab

Circuit repeat

Mosey back to the cars

Flutter Kicks IC x 25

APD  OYO x 10

COR – NOR – Prayer, No announcements.


Looking forward to the return of the New Market and Halsley contingents, can you hear that Wilson?



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  1. BTW – Firestone discus toss sounds awesome. Look forward to that when the shoulder is better.

  2. Gumbo, Get better, the Firestone discus was really cool, you will love it!

  3. Well done Rosco and Tobit, glad you found those discus tires and keep the trend of variety at SOT.