Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

What’s Her Middle Name?


7 sort of “tapering” runner showed up for YHC’s RAMM VQ.

This is how it went down:


ALL PAX: Head east on Grove, Left onto Malvern, Right onto Moument

4 Milers: Right onto Boulevard, Right onto Grove

5 Miler (YHC solo): Right onto N Meadow, Right onto Grove

6 Milers – No shows


Knowing that must of the PAX would be taking today off with CSAUP this evening, YHC took this Q weeks ago since he is still training for the Colonial 200. As part of his training, this the would be the first run of three over the next 28ish hours. Leg 2: See you fellas at the MANNDate tonight. Leg 3: monument 10k

YHC asking if anyone was “tapering” and needed a 3 mile route. Swirly quickly responded; “Nope we are Men!”. YHC should have know better to ask

Circle K had planned a 7.5 miles this morning but got up late. Glad to still have you out this morning brother.

Bleeder had to make a “stop” at the Woodfin building. This started a start who conversation on different slings used to describe this action. Including Swirly sharing “Dropping the Browns off at the Super Bowl”. Good laughs enjoyed by all

Two Can shared he is currently training for PT testing coming up next month. This somehow lead down the road to him sharing his daughter’s name which has two first names. TYA asked “What’s her middle Name?” and Two Can replied “That is her name, there is no middle name”. As must things go, you had to be there to enjoy it.


Good luck to everyone running in the CSAUP tonight and tomorrow morning!

