Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Tapering at Timberwolf


As YHC broke free from the sack this morning and drove to Timberwolf, I was 90% sure it would be a solo workout so thoughts ran through my head of just running a portion of my CSAUP leg and calling it a morning, but as I pulled into the AO, the familiar sight of Rosie’s Pathfinder changed the plans.  Instead a two man tapering beatdown was on tap…let’s get down to it.

Slow mosey around the front parking lot in case of any LIFOs and then, seeing none, head over to bus parking lot for COP, including:

  • DQs
  • Helicopters
  • SSHs
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Copperhead Squats
  • LBCs
  • Flutter Kicks


Lightpost 11s –

  • Round 1 – starting at the first lightpost with 1 merkin and 10 jumpsquats, run to next lightpost for 2 and 9….and so on.
  • Round 2 – exercises were 2-ct mountain climbers and LBCs

Timber-Love Hill – from the entrance, 1 man runs up the hill and back, the other exercises, flapjack working your way up the hill.  Exercises were Lunges, broad-jump burpees and Russian Soldiers

Lazy Dora – Mosey to benches in front of the school for Lazy Doras.  1 PAX performs 25 Dips while the other PAX holds a solid plank – 2x through. Same for incline merkins 2x through.  Same for SSHs 2x through.

The ALLEY – Mosey around to the back of the school for the gauntlet of lightpost alley – stop at each lightpost for dealer’s choice exercise, including 50 IC Freddie Mercuries and several other ab exercises and a variety of merkin exercises.

ROF (Line of Fire?) 4 rounds – round 1 = 10 Merkins; round 2 = 10 2-ct mountain climbers; round 3 = 10 scorpion dry docks; round 4 = 20 SSHs.  PAX not exercising was in plank or Al Gore after SSHs.

2 MOM, including Rocky Balboas and Homer to Marge.

COT, COR, NOR…off about our day.

No announcements.

Study your routes and sync your internal schedules…it’s almost game time!

No More Gumbo For You!


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