4 warriors braved the not too cold temps to hoist iron and insult each other. It went down like this—
20 Freddie Mercurys 15 SSH 20 arm circles (small, big, reverso)
15 Don Quixotes 20 LBC’s 15 Helicopters
Mosey to bus loop/parking lot (this sparked first debate)
4 times around the loop stopping 4 times each lap, adding an exercise until you hit 8, then decreasing by one until you ran out. The exercises were: 8 lunges, 7 halos, 6 lawnmowers, 5 KB swings, 4 overhead press, 3 goblet squats with a curl at the bottom, 2 snatches and 1 tricep press
Mosey to SF
10 sit up presses 10 boat canoes (Chewy style) 10 good mornings 10 those things on the curb
10 around the worlds 10 something else Hold KB out until you can’t
COT, numberama, namerama, YHC took us out
YHC rolled up to find Mudface and Opus waiting, and Spit pulled in while the SF was being planted. Mumblechatter started immediately, and Mudface was in fine form today, no one was spared. Unfortunately at the time of this report YHC is so tired none of the insults/truths/smart ass observations are coming to mind. Spit had to leave early and missed the final round by the SF, but led the PAX the rest of the way. During COP everyone had a turn imitating Emoji’s counting style to the point YHC had to keep his own count. Come back soon, Emoji, we need just one of you!
As usual, I have no idea what I’m doing.
No Idea
Great Q No Idea! Hope to see some PAX members we have been missing back out soon!
The Ovarian presses were fantastic! Thanks!