Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Dress for the weather


3 SOJ posted on a cool April morning with some snow lingering on the ground and vehicles.  Flatline joined the regulars to get a few miles under our belts less than a week before the CSAUP.  Straight up the Woolridge hill into the wind and into Midlothian, take Salisbury Road onto the dirt road and into Salisbury.  Small loop up to Winterfield and back to Charter Colony and the VSF.

Only 3 PAX the attire was varied with Flatline going short sleeves and Honeymoon going full winter jacket,  YHC split the middle with sleeves but sans jacket.  Flatline wasn’t digging the early wind but Honeymoon admitted the jacket was overkill by the end.  Great 2nd F with expensive refills at Urban Farmhouse.  CSAUP talk dominated, SOJ is ready to rock and roll!


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