4 Davillians decided to get some miles in before the rain came.
This is how it went down:
YHC the lone wolf once again on the long mileage, headed to Kings Charter and back getting in 4.5 miles and finished with 5 sets of parking lot sprints.
Team Headlamp headed out to Honey Meadows and back to get in about 3 miles.
Opus shared they had a very “interesting” conversation during their run today but didn’t share the details with YHC.
Mumble chatter afterwards centered around writing a BB in Haiku.
- Rumor is there maybe a Dogpile pre shirt order out soon. Stay Tune!
- The 2018 logo shirt is out. Pre-order is up till the 28th of this month
Great job fellas! Have a great Monday!
We have a route out of RAMM that I named Haiku. The backblast is only written in Haiku and all good commentators respond in Haiku as well. Check it out!