Four faithful found their way to Circus Maximus to start February off right. Here is how it went:
COP- SSH, merkins, LBCs, Don Qs, 20KB swings
mosey to back of school. 2 sets of 30Donkey Kicks, lunges across, 20 Halos. Then 2 sets of Merkin ROws and Sit-up Presses. Head back to side for Boat-Canoe and Elbow Plank. 2 sets of Pullovers.
Burpee Escalator- start at 8 Burpees pm, up to 11. Finish with Mary. Atilla took us out.
NMS- YHC realized pulling in to the AO he forgot his gloves, not good when lugging a freezing cold KB for 45 min. Luckily White Deer has a spare set.
Mumbelchatter was light, most noise was of the non-verbal variety. yHC tried to broach the idea of poaching Jville from the SOJ Csaup team, with no luck. White Deer and Atilla were downright pleasant with each other.
1 Comment
Boat-Canoe though…