Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

No Merkins today…OK maybe a few


11 ( including 3 2.0s) of the hale and hearty made it out to the creek for some fun in the Sunny and 70. Here is what went down

Run around the church. Every time YHC is passed the PAX does a burpee. 6 burpees were done, YHC is slow and will stop and run backwards for no reason

COP all IC

SSH x 10

Merkins x 3

Helicopters x 10

LBC x 10

Proper Dora

Partner up

one partner does 1 x 2 count Dry Dock Crabs , 2  x 2 count Mountain Climbers , and 3  x 2 count American Hammers while the other partner runs around the church. This is done until 100 sets have been done between the partners

Plank for the 6

Build a Burp Workshop

4 Corners x 2 laps

1st corner 5 Burpees

2nd corner 5 Donkey Kicks without a wall

3rd corner 5 Werkins

4th corner 5 Jump Squats

Mosey back to the flag

5 Burpees just to make sure that everyone did some




3rd F opportunity at Rise and Shine Dinner on Thursdays starting at 6:30 am

Lab Rat has a thing, it is a good thing, people should check it out. https://www.raisewithus.org/

Ewok took us out


In a strange occurrence YHC and his boys managed to make it to the AO first this morning, we planted the SF and still had time to kill. With 5 minutes to go the rest of the PAX got to work.

This is the anniversary of YHC’s VQ and he had three different plans for this morning. The PAX picked the #2 and this is what it was.

Chewy and YHC started coming to F3 about a year ago after being EHed in by THE Carpenter. Since then YHC has brought the rest of his boys on a regular basis. It is great that they can see that there are still people who are good to each other out there. It is also great when you can use exclusion from an early morning beatdown as a mean to ensure that chores are done. You guys are the best.

Thanks for letting me lead





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  1. Great Q today Mudface. Running during Mudface Q, WHAT!?!?

    Congrats on the VQ anniversary, now make a mental note to repeat this every year.

    I see The Carpenter got a pass on the LIFO tag ;-). Getting a text at 5:25 saying “I locked myself out of house” had to be the highlight of the morning.

    Have great weekend fellas, see you in the gloom!