Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

12 minutes never felt so long


5 glorious members showed up right at 5:30 with a sixth showing up just a touch after the opening bell.  Little did he know that meant he had to grab the heavy bag.  What a beautiful morning to be running around an empty parking lot to still almost get hit by cars. Went down like this:

Each person grabbed their favorite Sandbag and headed towards the middle of the parking lot.

WU – Side straddle hops, push up planks, Lunges, power hops x2, T push ups, lunges with hands in air…..counting game was on point!

Round 1: 12 minutes total, 40 second intervals. Squat to push up Press with Sandbags (Intermediate 3/
Advanced 5) followed by Squat Jumps over the Bag  (Int 5/Adv 7). However fast you finished, remain part of the 40 seconds you got to rest.

3 minutes in between – Plank/ab work

Round 2: 12 minutes total, 40 second intervals. Squat to high pull with Sandbag (inter 5/adv 7) followed by 30 yard sprint. Half way through increased the distance of the sprint.

Introduced our friendly sandbags to the benches from Sparky’s last Q for a round of 15s. Step ups with Sandbags on left leg, then switched to 15 reps on the right leg.

Lunges back towards the cars – approximately 50 yards. Light Jog up the hill to the cars. Numberama/Namearma


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