Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Better late than never


A PAX of two posted for the most recent evening Punisher.  Sonny and I rode our Huffys over to the school and completed the following:  COP with 20 x SSHs, IWs, DQs, and Helicopters, then Arm Circles.  Mosey to the grassy front yard for Merkin Ladder – 21 reps down to 1 rep.  Started reps at one large tree and ran to another large tree for the next set – back and forth through the ladder.

Broke up the action after every four rounds with little Double Check – one guy completes an exercise at the school wall while the other runs towards the Laburnum Avenue sidewalk and returns.  Completed People’s Chair, Box Cutters, Flutter Kicks, Hello Dollys, and Squats.

Brief stretching session then return to the bicycles for COT.  YHC took us out.


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