Nine (9) strong at GridIron including a FNG who were welcomed by a beautiful breaking sun after a 20 minute Pre-Game that was VQed by NightCrawler.
DQs X20 IC
Slow and Low Air Squats X20 IC
Curtsey Lunges X10 IC
Arm Circles small X10 forward and small X10 backward
Run from Pouncey Tract parking lot around the front of Short Pump Middle School to The Battery (tennis courts) behind the school. For the fleet-footed PAX, optional Restrictor Plate consisted of Slaughter Starter X20 Burpees OYO at start of run. The ambulatory impaired who were overcome by Johnsonville (a bearer of the Restrictor Plate) before arriving at The Battery were charged with X10 Burpees OYO.
The Battery – an assortment of movements across width of the four (4) tennis courts, including lunges, high skips, karaokes, curtsey lunges, bear crawls, reverse high knees, backward runs, butt kickers, and X12 forward Burpees.
Run from The Battery to The Pillars. The Restrictor Plate Pax started with X20 Merkins before chasing down some of the early starters (those not so chased down planked pending the rendezvous).
PLTs X25
The Pillars of the Earth – Merkins, Curtsey Lunges, APDs, and AirSquats sequence X10, X12, X14, X16, X18, X20, X18, X16, X14, X12, X10
Run from The Pillars to the Pouncey Tract parking lot amidst rousing WildCat pre-game music. The Restrictor Plate PAX enjoyed a lengthened run by adding a circuitous jaunt at the front end of the run.
COT: Numberama and Counterama and Takeout Prayer by YHC. Refreshment (fellowship) X4 at Einsteins.
Solid Pre-Game discussion of goodness and its source. NightCrawler rallied strongly despite a minor handout blemish. Johnsonville has the Q for next week’s Pre-Game and Attila the week after.
The Pax welcomed yet another dentist, but this one came with a pedigree that includes an impressive badminton career. Welcome to ShuttleCock – really strong showing and a master of superb form!
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
1 Comment
Walking around today like I got a booster shot in each glute thanks to the Curtsey Lunges. Nice work guys.