Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Magic Number


15 willing and able men answered the bell this morning and posted for a cool fall morning workout.  The air was crisp and cool as fall weather should be much better than hot and muggy like last week.  YHC rolled in with a minute to spare and no worries about being late.


Mosey to the soccer field for a warmup of SSH, cotton pickers, Moroccan night clubs, alternating shoulder taps, LBC, and Peter Parkers.  1 minute of AMRAP Burpees – Keep count, it will be your Magic Number for the morning

Mosey to the corner of the field to start 4 corners using you magic number – Corner 1 – merkins magic number x1, Corner 2 – Jump Squats magic number x2, Corner 3 – Flutter Kicks magic number x 3, Corner 4 – mountain climbers magic number x4.  Plankarama  Reverso also reversing the counts (Heavy on the merkins in corner 4)

Mosey to the other soccer field and partner up – P1 Magic Number of Donkey kicks on the fence then plank, P2 – backward run to midfield and forward run back.  Repeat x3

Modified Beast – Use half of your magic number for each stop – WWII, Monkey Humpers, Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey back to the VSF for Mary – Freddie Mercury, Crunchy Frogs, APD (nice and slow for Aisle 5)


Again, great to see Aisle 5 out for a second day in a row.  Love the commitment to getting back into the groove!  Also Kotters to Sin Bin, hopefully he’ll become another NoToll regular like Shooter has been recently.  The New Market mumblechatter was strong today with Wilson, Honeymoon and Marmaduke all feeling chatty.  Mr. Roper may have been feeling more than alive talking about a morning wake and bake session.  I thought that was normally for dudes that woke up after 10am but to each his own.

The Magic Number theme of the day was an attempt to keep the PAX together a little better while adding some reps for the guys that are normally leading the group.  Flashdance was crushing it out in front of the PAX on the 4 corners, as he said, “Every dog has it’s day”.  YHC had the exercises planned but did not think about the number of merkins that would be prescribed on the Reverso 4 corners, the over-achievers got crushed.  Jenny Craig busted out a ton of burpees hoping for some relief on the back end but the Q did not accommodate.  Maybe that’ll teach him to keep his shirt on.

Way to get out and get some tough work done this morning men.  It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger.

Everything is coming up Rosie.


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  1. Great seeing Aisle 5 this morning! Good Q, Rosie. Sandbagging (aka Flashdancing) would have been a better option during the Minute of Burpees.

  2. Flashdancing! I love it. Almost as good as the Flerkin.

    Nice Q Rosie. Damn sorry I missed it. Knee has been a little wonky since Saturday — nobody to blame but myself for all those box jumps. I’ll be back out soon though.

  3. Awesome Q Rosie. Those 4 corners were almost as bad as the speed work yesterday (compliment)! Aisle 5 is a beast! Funny how the term Flashdancing just got created for lack of burpees, yet he’s the Q that wants to run 3 miles in last 5 minutes of his workout. Odd, just odd!

  4. Loved it Rosie. Way to even the field and keep the pax together. Those merkins had me questioning why I turned up the pace on the burpees at the fifteen second earning. Damn.

    Gumbo – sorry your knee suffered though I’m siprised mine didn’t. That was a smoker on the legs.