Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Theta Q


6 Faithful and 1 FNG arrived for a unique Batteau beatdown, 6 by car, 1 by foot.


10X push-ups
10X air squats
Run to tennis courts
10X suicides
lunges around tennis court
5 suicides on the courts
fast eddies (20x each, sit-ups, flutter kicks, sit-ups, leg raises, sit-ups, crazy ivans, sit-ups, crunches, sit-ups, freedom twists, sit-ups, bicycles, burpees, push-ups)
Tabata with sit-ups
Tabata with push-ups
Green Sally Squats
1 minute plank

COT by Bleeder


After the usual disclaimer, YHC turned over the Q to Theta, who recently passed(Scorched) the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) – Theta started ROTC in fall of this year as a Sophomore. Although the starting the exercise methodology was more ROTC like, the Cadence was right on the money! Well Done, Theta!

The Yankee Aggressor, wearing what looked liked weighted socks, was his usual chatterbox during most of the workout; demonstrating the proper way to create mumble chatter during a most exercises.

WinkleVoss,our FNG today, drove in from the Tri-city area this morning. When WinkleVoss asked where the workout was tomorrow, Bootleg suggested that he should take a day off and try Wdog on Wednesday. (Swirly about came out of his skin with that comment) YHC highlighted that taking a day off is one approach, versus attempting the daily ritual.

Hampton Roads 1 Year Anniversary Convergence is on Saturday Nov 11 at 7AM located at Stink HIll.

F3 CVille is recruiting for the Mens Four Miler on Sunday Nov 12.

What’s left of Bleeder Out


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Excellent Job Theta! You are a born leader – wonder where you get that from 🙂
    Way to work this morning guys.
    See y’all in the gloom..