Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

You Guys Are Intense


7 warriors distanced themselves from the longing embrace of the fartsack. Unlike Ulysses who used beeswax to ward of the song of the fartsack sirens, these southside men utilized the finest molded portland cement known to man. According to legend it went a little something like this.

Grab a cinder block of success (CBOS) and mosey to the practice field for a little COP.

IC SSH X 20, IW X 20, DQ X 10, LBC X 20, FM X 20, M X 10

Miracle Mile:  Since this was such a crowd pleaser at 45MOM the day before and YHC felt obliged to share it with southside PAX.

  • Loop 1 – Each man runs lap solo with CBOS.
  • Loop 2 – Partner up.  First man runs with two CBOS.  Second man completes 1 burpee then runs to first man.  Once first man is caught, men switch positions.  First man drops CBOS and completes 1 burpee and pursues the second man who picked up both CBOS and started running.  Do this until completion of lap.
  • Loop 3 – Switch partners.  Same as above but with 2 burpees.
  • Loop 4 – Switch partners.  Same as above but with 3 burpees.

Crimson 120:  This is a modified Dora workout.  Partner up and as a team complete the following prescribed exercises as a team.  While one man is doing the exercises, the other is running across the field and back. Switcheroo until completion.

  • 120 kettle bell swings
  • 120 squats with CBOS
  • 120 decline merkins on CBOS
  • 120 two count flutter kicks

Elevens:  Complete two exercises whose totals always add up to 11.  Between each exercise, run the width of the field.  Start with 10 overhead squat presses with CBOS, run across field and complete 1 burpee.  Run back across the field to complete 9 OSP, run and complete 2 burpees.  You get the idea.

Plank, mosey back to the flag, IC WWII SU X 10

Namerama, numberama, COT, Gumbo led us out.


The day starts and ends with TClaps to FNG Boudreaux.  This was a monster effort brotha and I hope you are very proud of yourself.  It’s supposed to be hard.  If it was supposed to be easy we would make you pay for the workout. Before you decide if this is for you, make it out to 10 more.  The title of the BB came from Boudreaux who stated post COT, “you guys are really intense”.  Yes we are.  In fact most people are if they can find the right things to put their energy into and be mindful of managing distractions. It’s a damn shame the world doesn’t get to see most people at their best or most intense.  Welcome Gingivitis from the Palmetto state.

YHC overhead some mumblings on names. Let the record show the following names are available if anyone would like to petition Corporate to switch. Including but not limited to; Super FUP, Dragon Fart, David Koresh, Duck Butter, Upper Decker and Milli Vanilli. The Corporate office with take requests via fax from 2:00am – 2:01am on the 33rd day of each month.

The CBOS are making tour stops in a few of the F3 RVA hoods.  YHC has much appreciation for fellow pax members who help load the CBOS back into the green machine and who do not break said CBOS.  See you next week DaVille!

Fun fact alert. Despite being on of the most storied institutions in our fair land, the statue of John Harvard on the campus of Harvard University is not actually John Harvard.  At the time of construction, no one really knew what he looked like as were no surviving renderings of him. If he was like most college kids he probably had a Yeti sticker on his car and could drink 40 Nattie Lights in a sitting. None of the above hasn’t prevented a bunch of morons from rubbing it’s foot for good luck.


Hampton Roads 1 Year Anniversary Convergence is on Saturday Nov 11 at 7AM located at Stink HIll.

Our western brothers in CVille are recruiting for the Mens Four Miler on Sunday Nov 12.

Please put October 29th on your calendar for Breaking Bread. Details to come soon.

Upchuck is hosting a double workout on Saturday 10/21 as a kickoff initiative to have this be a monthly event.  He also has a great story about Brown University alumni Ira Glass settled on doing only a 60 minute show and why he was too afraid to do a 120 minute show. Get explicit details on all of the above from him.


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  1. Well done this morning gents. Thanks for the monster effort. It’s a privilege to sharpen iron in this way.

  2. Welcome Budros, or Boudreaux’s, as in the Butt Paste, if you are from Gumbo’s neck of the woods. Great job mixing it up with the CBOS today Hardywood, I knew it was coming and didn’t want to miss it. Plus getting Boudreauxs out there was a crowning achievement for Gumbo and I.
    Glad to have Upchuck out on his tour of F3RVA, lots more to see at this AO, hope you make it back.

  3. Chaffe -> chafe -> Boudreauxs Butt Paste -> Budros

    Let’s be real honest. Simple is better. Only our Ivy Leaguers and MBA pax are gonna spell Boudreaux right.

  4. Hell of a Q Hardywood. Very happy (and sad) that I got to experience the CBOS first-hand after reading about them in prior BBs. They do crank up the intensity or sure. Thanks for taking them on the road show. And, much respect for Qing and Doing these workouts multiple times this week!

    Boudreaux (gotta be “EAUX” when the guy named Gumbo names it!! – and yes, I was referring to the butt-paste) – way to show up and gut it out brother. Keep coming back – you will see results – I promise! And, you will get hooked. Like Lays Chips – you can’t do just 1.

    Strong work today guys!

  5. My forearms are just now recovered from your Tuesday Q Hardywood. Glad to see you’ve brought that pain to entire RVA area.

  6. I love it that “Boudreaux”, the Cajun equivelent of “buddy” is NOT what we are shooting for here. No no, he is named after butt paste.

  7. Thanks to all for the encouragement this morning. After considerable shaming and pressure from Rosie and Gumbo, I’m glad that I finally made it out, even if I can’t move my legs at the moment.

  8. When I was a young midshipman, we had a Gunnery Sergeant who arrived at his nickname for me after a similar stream of consciousness, but I’m not complaining. Boudreaux > Rottencrotch

  9. Damn – that would have been a handy detail to know during COT and before naming rights were solidified.

    Note to PAX – Rottencrotch is on the table and available.

  10. Boudreaux – welcome brotha. Glad you came out today and I expect to see your name appear twice next week. Gumbo & Rosie – do not release the headlock.

  11. Funny, I thought it was Bhoutros, as in Bhoutros-Bhoutros Ghali, or in Gumbo’s World, Boudreauxs-Boudreauxs Golly. After all, Egypt smells roughly like butt-paste and anyone who spends that much time in or near sand, well, chaffin’ is all there is. I guess I learned something new today.

  12. Yes, the Tour Bus of Pain keeps on rollin’. I had heard Hardywood and the Sea-Bosses were on tour this week, and a buddy gave me free tickets and back-stage passes provided I did some set-up / tear down. Sweet show, boys. The Ovals of Death are a crowd-pleaser, for sure.

  13. Hardywood-I believe you like The Swamp! Sorry to miss and your beat down sounds super and “intense”! Yes we are intense but as Shakedown says, “why get up?”. Nice work brothers! Mickey and Jasmine say hi….Loud and Proud Flatline