Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Something New


4 Davillians plus one crazy runner (who just popped in for the COP) came out this morning for something new.

COP — the longest COP in history

don quixote IC
ww1 situps IC
figure 4 crunches each side IC — new
bird dogs IC — new
single leg toe touches IC — new
arm circles all big IC
pistol squats without, then with KB IC — new
Renegade Rows each side IC
straight arm sit with KB — new
lateral swings — start across body 10 each side — new
side stepping swings — new
one legged clean! — new


The Rest —
Triple Check with 4 people
One runs loop, Second does Sit up Presses, Third Does Bob and Weave

Semi-lazy Doras
100 goblet squats between the two partners while partner hangs in peoples chair, switch as needed
150 overhead presses while partner holds plank or does merkins, switch as needed
100 (due to time) KB swings while partner does SSH, switch as needed

Think about some of the best times in your life.  How many of them came because of a change that stretched you, that challenged you?  Coming to F3 was one of those things that set YHC on a course for health and wholeness.  Is F3 easy?  No, but that is the point.  The best things in life aren’t easy.  There are growing pains.  There are bumps in the road.  Is it worth it?  Can I get an Amen?
When Carpenter challenged YHC to come out to F3 a year and several months ago, YHC knew he needed it being several pounds overweight (ok more than several) and lacking energy and not having a whole lot of direction.  530?  Are you serious?  In the morning?  YHC went for it and has never looked back.
So, this morning was all about stretching the PAX, trying new things, new exercises — realizing that we aren’t there yet and we can be so much better.  Some of the exercises this morning were a challenge to the PAX and YHC as well.  Some we could only do about 5.  And that is just fine.  Baby steps lead to better things — greater growth and the ability to realize that there is so much further for us to progress.
Glad for the brothers in F3 and the bond we share through shared experience and growing together.
TClaps to Spit who showed up during the middle of the run and did COP with us!




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  1. Great BB Opus!! Def goes down as BB of the week in my book! Great to see you fellas this morning!

    LabRat no I did not run with a KB. I ran the 1.5 miles to the AO did the COP w/o a KB, then ran another 3 to 4 miles afterwards.

  2. Great BB Opus, want to see demos of some of those listed above.

    Spit- Not sure if what you did should count as pax, might need a Big Data ruling. Sounds like a drive by to me.

  3. Wasn’t looking for it to and as of right now I didn’t get the credit since my name is listed differently which is fine by me.