Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Time Trials at River Run


5 veterans posted on this beautiful and cool morning for some flat time trials at River Run.  YHC charted an almost 2-mile loop and challenged the PAX to complete as many loops as possible in 45 minutes.  Rosie took off like he was shot our of a canon and completed 3+ loops and more than 6 miles.  Swiper and Honeymoon deviated from the course a bit here and there and completed just under 6 miles.  YHC and Singer kept a strong hold on the six and logged just under 5 miles.  Well done by all.

No more Gumbo for you!


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  1. Good course choice Gumbo, it was odd to avoid the hills of RiverRun but I was happy to get some speed instead of hills.

  2. Thanks to Homemoon for being my guide (again) on the south side. Unfortunately I’ve got a foot issue that hasn’t improved and I may be off the roads for a while.