Brisk, fall morning, great weather for a little tour of Forest Hill park.
COP. Squats, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Merkins
Mosey to the basin for Lindsay’s: Box jumps and Dips
Mosey to the lake for a circuit with 10 merkins at every light pole
Mosey to the base of the hill for Shifting Sands (30 strides up, 10 lunges down) back to basin
Mosey to the Playground for partner pullups 1–>5, 5–>1
Mosey to the rock pile and to the courts for (1) Rock throws, (2) Plank + suicides (one partner elbow planks with heavy rock on back, while other does 1 suicide, repeato). (3) 10x Crossover Merkins. (4) Rock throws. Take rock back and mosey to the flag.
Moleskin. YHC (Sippy) was a bit early this morning and showed up to very quiet AO. Fortunately, Flatline showed for his first appearance at Batteau, and so we jointly Q’d–Flatline did the COP, and Sippy did the rest, giving a nice tour of most parts of the AO. As is typical with a 2 person workout there was a lot of conversation during the moseys as we got to know each other a bit–that was fun. There was certainly no talking during the Lindsays–box jumps will do that to you.
Weird things with a workout of 2. In the COP, do you face each other or stand in a line? We faced, but didn’t make eye contact–would have been weird. In the COT, how do you stand? We did the side-hug formation like we typically do during the ball of man, it seemed appropriate and worked well. Corporate, note it in your files–Side by side formations are best when the PAX = 2.
Other notes: Each week, we see a few more lights out around the lake. YHC tried, see-click-fix this morning to see if it gets take care of.
Great bb!
Flatline is a fun dude to get to know!
Nice work fellas…
McRib and I faced those same difficult questions and arrived at similar answers 2 weeks ago…time to memorialize them as SOP.