3 pax shook off the cobwebs of yesterday’s convergence and overall taxing week to test out this new weather….50 degrees at start time! Welcome to Fall (finally). Here is what transpired:
Route: Buttermilk to Belle Isle, take the down river trail around to the pedestrian bridge and back on North Bank. Classic route, with the Garmin variability putting the pax somewhere between 6 3/4 and 6 7/8 miles.
A stunning morning for a trail run had the Pauls confused about what to wear….both had long sleeve shirts on. Lab Rat got the closest by wearing 1 standard t-shirt, but the right call was to go sans shirt (obviously).
The cooler temps really brought the scenery out, and several dear (yes, that’s spelled correctly) were spotted this morning. TYA claims that one of the said dear did a double take in the direction of Lab Rat, but YHC thinks it was probably due to Lab Rat wearing sandals, so the dear thought she was getting a glimpse of renowned trail heart-throb, Patton Gleason. She was surely disapointed to find it was just some schlub with cool shoes.
Mumblechatter was heavy on the convergence yesterday (I think that happened, but havent seen the bb yet), but sprinkled in with other usual topics that included what body part is hurting this week and upcoming races. Just the two of us at ET’s for a quick bite and coffee, but we made the most of it.
Since this is the first non-Tuckahoe bb in quite some time, let me just say that the Tuckahoe guys absolutely crushed it this week! This was a whole new level in takeovers, what with the uniforms and choreographed Q’s. The takeover of the podcast was an awesome grand finale that was pulled off with impeccable timing. Well done to all.
Apology of the week goes to Bleeder of all people…..sorry for making fun of your red shorts! #sorrynotsorry
Lab Rat apologizes…
Viral is helping host this event for the RVA Community Tool Bank:
Great BB – sorry I missed the wildlife. Hopkefully next Sunday is as lovely as today is.
walk tomorrow?!?
Yeah, sounds good
Great run this morning – just like old times.
My name is Paul and this $h!* is between y’all.