New for the 2017 version 3.0 for the F3 RVA Convergence the coffeeteria is coming to us. This meal will be a simple catering affair from Egghead RVA. They specialize in the best breakfast sandwhiches in town, fruit and coffee from GroundUP RVA.
If you would like to be fed it’s $7 for a breakfast sandwhich, fruit and coffee. Please enter your name and sandwhich request below. Payments will be collected by Hardywood (aka Patton Gleason) during the week of 9/25 – 9/29 and on the morning of The Convergence.
If you don’t fill out this form and request to be fed, then you will not be. And if you get a pissy attitude because you did 2 workouts and there’s nothing for you to eat, then it’s on you. Go ahead and Be Super, take 10 seconds to fill out this form.
If you have any questions give Hardywood a call/text at (469)223-8535
Let’s do this fellas. Enjoy a little post workout 3rd F. Give me a shout if you have any questions.
Thx for organizing Labrat (Hardywood) and jville
Great idea, Lab Rat!
Thanks Hardywood – Swirly is in….
Much thanks to Hardywood for taking care of the food! The guy knows how to take care of things (and is good natured and hilarious all at the same time). Leadership exemplified.
Signed up. now I am hungry!
Wish that I didn’t have to work! Have fun
It’s Posh by the way, not sure why my full name showed up instead? Can you tell it’s my 1st post… Hahahaha