Two brave men journeyed into a dark 200 acre park for a 45 minute beatdown. It went something like this:
Mosey into the park for about a 2 mile run along the road and trails.
- Helicopters
- Don Quixotes
- Ball Dippers
- Merkins
- Foot to hand Mountain Climbers
- Angled Knee Jumps
- LBCs
- Freddie Mercuries
Mosey to benches
Elevens – Dips and Burpees running about 15 yards in between exercises
Mosey to playground
30 pullups on your own
COT – Numberama, Name-o-rama, Skully took us out.
As Skully and YHC took off for a long mosey into Pole Green Park, both were glad that they brought a flashlight. Because so many cross country meets are held there, there are trails throughout the park. The problem is that it is really dark. After the long mosey, YHC found a small building that had lights around it. This worked well for the COP and Elevens. The only other area of the park that had light was around the elementary school. With flashlights, the park does work out really well for a 1/2 run, 1/2 bootcamp AO.
After the COT, Skully told YHC that runners designed the layout of the exterior of Pole Green Park. The bus loop is 1/4 mile. The loop around the playground is 1/8 mile. They have had a successful elementary running club there for years. Those distances might work well for future workouts.
YHC would like to thank F3 RVA as well as Hampton Roads and Charlottesville for it’s support of the ReeseStrong 5K. The F3 RVA team won the largest team award and it wasn’t really close. Several F3 RVA team members went for PRs while others ran it the hard way. Others ran with their children. YHC feels blessed to have such great support from F3 Nation. Thank you Circle K for hosting Crabfest. That was an awesome way to end the day.
Convergence is on Saturday, September 30. There is a 6 am and 7 am bootcamp.
Phonics Out!