Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



9 men today for a little door counting

Mossy to the track for a little warm up that went like this from what I remember….

50 SSL

10 Cotton pickers

10 squats

20 Mountain climbers

After warm up, 1 lap as a group around the track.  Which led into an audible driving us back up to the bus lot for some corner work that went like this…

Round 1:

  1. 5 Burpees
  2. 10 Squats

Round 2:

  1. 7 Burpees
  2. 12 squats

Round 3:

  1. 9 Burpees
  2. 14 Squats

Round 4:

  1. 11 Burpees
  2. 16 squats

Mossy to the picnic tables to perform 15 dips.

Door counting:

Mossy to door #1 of the school and perform 1 merkin.  From there we would go door to door to the end doing merkins for the number on the door.

At door #16 we audibled to count the numbers together making door 16 = 7 merkins and so on.

Note for future WO we have a total of 23 doors at Timberwolf!

Find some bench and perform 10 incline merkins

Mossy to the flag for the below to finish the WO.

50 SSL

20 American Hammers

15 APD’s

20 Flutter kicks

Plank ring of fire holding the plank for 10 sec / person.

COT, Name-a-rama, Number-rama

Strong work by all today as we got a solid 45mins in today!  Note for the school is with 23 doors we fill this would be hard to manage all doors so we may have to volunteer our time as F3 good citizens..

I do have to give an official report that I did get 1 PAX to Merlot today also!!

Iron sharpens Iron!


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  1. Nice work Honeymoon, my arms were shaking involuntarily at my desk from the merkins. I was confused when Sparky stopped the SSH in the warm up but realized he was trying to get away from Wilson and his salmon and malbec product, luckily I was upwind today.

  2. I hate all F3 workouts that use school doors. From LugNut’s door oddessy at SOT to this smokefest, they bring the pain. The cherry on top today was certainly the second round of 50 SSHs IC. Ouch!! Almost made me want the burpees back.

    Nice work men and strong audible Q on the fly Honeymoon.

  3. Nice Q Honeymoon! Enjoyed the door theme, kinda. Made me realize there are an awful lot of access points to that school. I pray for their safety. Also how many areas could they sneak out to skip class. They do have that creepy trail next to the track. It’s just a school to watch i guess.