Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Sending the BRR boys off. Singer was getting a little clingy though…


Fourteen men assembled this morning, some for an old fashioned beat down, some to loosen the legs in preparation for great things.  At 0530 the former headed off campus while the latter stayed behind….or so we thought…..

-Run to Church, perform a modified parking lot tracers

COP- Wait, what the hell is Singer doing here?!?  BIG disclaimer pointed straight at him.  YHC DOES NOT want this to be the “remember that workout when Lab Rat broke Wedding Singer when he was supposed to be running BRR the next day?” moment.

  • SSH
  • IW
  • shoulder stretches
  • DQ
  • arm circles
  • Hand Release merkins
  • LBC’s


  • partner exercises- one partner runs the loop, other partner performs:  10 derkins, 10 incline APD’s, and unlimited squats.  Flapjack, repeato X3
  • Mosey back to Mary Munford with Keymaster leading the way.
  • Big Ass Lindsay- Starting at Commonwealth and Grace, perform 10 merkins 30 monkey humpers.  Run to next block, 15/25, next block 20/20…..back to Cwealth and Grace for 30/10.  Plank for six.
  • Walking Lt. Dans- do Lt. Dans around bus loop until Q calls time.
  • Mary- Freddie Mercury, American Hammer, Superman


YHC thought the message was clear that the BRR guys were NOT WELCOME to come with us off campus.  This is totally selfish, by the way as Lab Rat is really feeling the pain of not going today, and being responsible for a runner’s health was just too much.  Luckily, Singer is a smart man and left us after COP.  Way to put up with a little grief out there this morning, Singer.

Glad to have Flashdance actually make it to an off campus workout!  YHC would not have given you credit if you walked around with the BRR guys this morning, btw.

DK requested the monkey humpers for the Lindsay.  I dont know if that was a joke, but it was one of those “it seemed like a good idea at the time” moments.  Ouch!

YHC was obviously surprised by how fast the pax rolled thru that Lindsay.  He was unprepared with having to come up with another routine.

Awesome to have MiniMe up from Lake Norman this morning!  He was a little late, but since it’s BRR taper day, he gets a pass from the LiFo badge.  Next time though….

Also, glad to have Scissorhands finally make it out!  He is a Mechanicsville homie that got roped in to F3 via the BRR.  This Q will hold lightly on to his name in case the BRR pax comes up with a better handle for him.  The Q was surprised by the lack of good names from the pax this morning, especially with the reigning king of naming (Doner Kebab) in presence.  Still, Scissorhands is pretty good, If the Q does say.  Look at it this way, it could have been “Gilbert Grape”.

Apology of the week goes to that poor woman walking her dog that was subjected to round after round of monkey humpers.  Surely, if anyone has ever deserved an apology from the Q, she earned it!  YHC is surprised her dog didnt bite someone.

Lab Rat apologizes…


About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. We threw loads of names at you, Lab Rat…”Chick”, “Peg Leg”, “Plunkett”…I even started throwing two-word nonsensical names your way after looking across the PAX and seeing Sugar Sock….”Carrot Hat”, “Cucumber Worm”…BUT you were only listening to yourself…which works when you’re the Q. Good workout!
    BTW, I did apologize to 45momm’s resident Ginger for our “scattered escort” as we followed her around the block exposing our Monkey Humpers at every corner. She said it was ok…but her face and demeanor didn’t mean it.
    Here’s hoping Wedding Singer encounters MY Ginger on his last leg at the BRR!

  2. I heard the peg leg and plunkett…..i was just waiting for some DK gold. Alas, it wasnt meant to be.

    BTW, Sugar Sock has some deep meanings I hear.

  3. Thanks for leading today Lab Rat, and good luck and be save out there bring all our guys back in one piece, thanks for a great Q!!!

  4. FNG Scissorhands is now officially “Swallow”! Thanks to Ronaldo and a van of 6 other brainstorming dudes for coming up with that mean yet hilarious name!

  5. Wow, I think he got it worse than I did. Good to meet you last week and thanks for a great Q, I was completely destroyed by the monkey humpers / run shenanigans towards the end.