Thursday, January 23
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Murph Friday


7 strong men to take on Murph Friday!

Mossy around the school + track for a mile to get to the main playground.

10 rounds of the below with each round consisting of the following exercises.

  • 10 pullups
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 squats

After we completed the 10 rounds we headed back to the parking lot + adding the track to make the total millage 2 miles with a nice little beat-down in the middle.

COT, Name-a-rama, Number-rama

Strong work for all, it’s always a privilege to lead this fine group of men!


About Author


  1. My name is traditionally spelled Valet 🙂

    I still can’t lift my arms over my head from all those pull ups.