6 brave men arrived in the Atlee High School parking lot as the prospect of hard rain and cooler than average temperatures was the forecast. All member of the PAX were prepared for a beatdown that went something like this.
Mosey to bus loop then turn back to flag to pick up two LIFO. Continue mosey to practice field behind Atlee.
COP (All IC)
- Don Quixotes
- Ball Dippers
- Arm Circles (10 small, 5 big, reverso)
- Merkins
- Foot to hand mountain climbers
- LBCs
- One legged APD, switch legs and repeat
Burpee Billiards – Like a pool table, 5 burpees at each location where the pockets would be: Front right 5 burpees, run to middle right 5 burpees, run to end right 5 burpees, run to other side 5 burpees, run to middle left 5 burpees, run to front left 5 burpees, run back to start and plank.
Mosey to Chickahominy
8 Minutes of Agony – For 8 minutes, do as many of the following as possible: 10 donkey kicks, 10 jump lunges, run 15 yards, 10 rotating elbow planks, 10 2-count mountain climbers, bear crawl 15 yards, repeat.
Mosey to pull-up bars
With partner, do 50 pull-ups
Mosey to middle of field
- Hold Plank for about 20 seconds, then alternate between merkins and Carolina Dry Docks (10 IC) Hold plank for another 20 seconds.
- Rotate to elbow side plank – hold for 20 seconds. Then dip hip down and up for 10 IC. After completion, hold side plank for 20 seconds
- Rotate to back plank – hold for 20 seconds. Then drop waist and raise back up for 10 IC. After completion, hold back plank for 20 more seconds.
- Rotate to other elbow for side plank – hold for 20 seconds. Then dip hip down and up for 10 IC. After completion, hold side plank for 20 seconds
- Return back to plank and hold for 20 seconds. Then hand release merkins for 10 IC. Hold plank and then 10 mountain climbers for 20 IC. Hold plank then alternate between merkins and Carolina Dry Docks for 10 IC. Recover
- Freddie Mercuries (20 IC)
- American Hammers (10 IC)
Mosey back to VF
Numberarama, Name-o-rama, YHC took us out
In YHC’s memory of the Central Virginia, cold rain does not accurately describe late August weather. As it turned out, although the rain was steady, the PAX never faced a downpour in today’s workout. We did cover a great deal of distance today but YHC was not sweating at the end of the bootcamp. This never happens this time of year. Well done to all PAX members! Everybody exceeded expectations for every challenge. It was a pleasure leading the PAX today.
ReeseStrong 5K – Saturday, September 16 – F3 RVA team is still the largest team. Kid’s runs start at 8:30 am, 5K starts at 9 am, Crabfest at Circle K’s house starts at 11 am. To sign up for 5K the Hard Way, see Lab Rat. F3 members are not required to do it the hard way. You can run it or walk it as well. Spectators and volunteers are also needed.
- For more information, click here
- To register for the F3 RVA team, click here
- To see the Crabfest Preblast, click here.
- To volunteer, click here.
F3 RVA Convergence – September 30 at Gridiron. The main event is at 7 am. There is also a bonus bootcamp at 6 am. To see the Preblast, click here.
BRR is less than 2 weeks away.
Great Q Phonics. Plankorama made mush out of my shoulders. It was a pleasure working out in the rain
Not on purpose, but it does seem that I have missed all the rainy workouts for a good long while. I even tried to run in the rain once, but it was just crazy humid.
I guess what I am saying is the bed was warm and dry.
Sorry to have missed this morning but a fart sack day was needed after getting up early now for 10 straight days! Looks like a good one. Great job Phonics!
An amazing thing from today’s workout was the husband, wife, and dog that were working out in the middle of Chickahominy’s field. I think that F3 has inspired them to workout regardless of weather. It might be the same guy that Lab Rat tried to EH from the other side of the field.
Great workout today!!! Thanks!