A lucky 12 + 1 FNG convened this AM at the Punisher for a themed workout of sorts. Gather around the shovel flag for pleasantries plus a few words with Fudd then off we went. Mosey to the back of the school for COP. It went something like this:
SSH x20
Don Quixotes x10
Arm Circles x15
Mountain Climbers x20
LBCs x20
The Eclipse Theme
The 400. The sun is about 400 times the size of the moon and is also roughly 400 times the distance from earth. Simple geometry will tell us that is why the moon and the sun are roughly the same size in the sky. The PAX honored this magnificence in our solar system by completing 400 exercises. 20 reps of 20 different exercises. Exercises were all OYO except the last:
Merkin, forward lunge (20 each leg), dips, 4 count flutter kicks
Werkin, jump squat, side tricep extension, 2 count american hammer
Diamond merkin, side lunge (20 each leg), side tricep extension (other arm), 2 count freddy mercuries
Staggered merkin (right hand forward), monkey humpers, pull ups, hello dollys
Staggered merkin (left hand forward), step back lunge (20 each leg), burpees, 4 count LBCs IC
2:40. If you happen to be in the totality path, the maximum amount of total darkness today will be 2 minutes and 40 seconds. 2 minutes and 40 second plank.
10/22/2134 BC. This is arguably the date of the first recorded solar eclipse. If you happened to be one of the two fortunate Chinese astronomers on that date then it was your last day on earth. Those two were executed for failing to predict the solar eclipse. We respected their memory with 10 burpees, 22 merkins, 21 squats and 34 WWIIs.
Mosey back around to the front of the school so Viral can see the rest of the AO.
5/29/1919. Einstein and Newton were at battle. Einstein won on this day. His theory of relativity was proven by the May 29, 1919 solar eclipse. In short, the visibility of stars immediately near the sun during a total eclipse and the visibility of light bending around those stars proved one key component of relativity. It has to do with the warping of space time. Read more to find out. 5 burpees, 29 merkins, 19 LBCs, 19 rosalitas.
Circle up and YHC took us out.
Despite numerous accusations of #fakenews during the workout, each of these facts are true. At least if you believe the Internet. Since Al Gore invented it then it must be true. Welcome Ghosttown. Good luck in Chattanooga.
There is some dispute as to the distance traveled during today’s workout. Conspiracy had .54 miles while Goldberg had just over .6. For a moment there YHC thought the PAX was going to see fireworks a-la the upcoming Mayweather vs McGregor fight. No scores were settled so you are OYO to log accurate miles for this month’s challenge.
Fudd, in typical #AAF fashion, did not listen much during the workout. He did manage to make the 2:40 of plank slightly more exciting by bear crawling to the path of the eclipse. He accurately represented this by hovering his Fudd Jr directly over South Carolina. Viral followed suit by meandering towards Montana.
Form police was in full effect today. ‘Nuff said.
Great day for a workout and (recent) record number at Punisher. According to Big Data, a Honeydo workout from April still holds that record with 14. Solid work everyone.
GoFundMe sites are available to support education related expenses for the two state troopers that died in last week’s incident. Viral and Goldberg have details they will share. The State Police will cover the tuition for the kids but this is for other education expenses.
Be safe out there looking at the sky today fellas. Contact Honeydo if you need a source for fine quality eclipse glasses.
Splinter out.
Although some of those were questionable exercises (triceps extension) stI’ll a solid beatdown. Your command of facts this morning shows Splinter IS big data.
Here’s the GoFundMe for Lt. Jay Cullen’s family to help fund their two high school boys’ college education expenses. I couldn’t find the GFM for Berke Bates. If anyone has it please add it. Let’s help honor these trooper’s lives and service!
Well done dudes
See ya in the gloom..
Being on the #runningsucks wagon these days, I could not have asked for a more pleasing (and educational) workout.
Note: Given the moon is steadily moving away from the earth about 4cm each year, let’s enjoy these astronomical events while they last (and before Splinter has to recalibrate his numbers for another themed workout).
They were only questioned when Saab tried to mirror YHCs form while staring at the sun.
Sub 1 mile distance was not planned, it just worked out that way. I had some running planned but unfortunately 400 exercises takes a good deal of time.
Great BB Splinter! I enjoyed the history lesson and how you tired that into your Q!
Gotta say the eclipse was really not that impressive to me. I expected a little more from God.
Solid beatdown Splinter. It was great to be out there in the gloom on a weekday, which is rare for me these days. Kudos on the eclipse lore….I enjoyed the history lesson, and did listen to some of it, despite my efforts at keeping the pax entertained with something other than labored breathing and grunts.
Great having you out there brother. It’s not the same without your cheerful mumblechatter.
Since the actual eclipse was a bit of a letdown, I’m glad to have the memory of Punisher this morning. M Clavin was impressed by the 20 sets of 20. (It takes a lot to impress her, especially at 6:30 am) Thank you Splinter!