Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Hate hath no mercy…


18 Humidified warriors descended upon a dense, hot and humid August gloom at Dogpile.  Here is what went down more or less (the order of these events is completely foggy to YHC).


  • SSH IC x 40
  • Imperial Walkers IC x 40
  • Don Quixote IC x 10
  • Arm Circles IC x 15
  • Merkins IC x 40
  • LBCs IC x 40

Love Hill

PAX moseys to love hill to attempt to go over the hill.

  • Partner 1 sprints from bottom of hill to gate
  • Partner 2 performs 1 of 3 exercises (Polar Bear, Lunges, Broad Jump Burpee)
  • Continue until both partners relay to gate at top of love hill

Mosey to Rusty Cage for Pull Ups and Jerkins

  • Partner pull ups x 40
  • Partner jerkins x 40

Mosey to Amphitheater for 40 Donkey Kicks up the Steps

  • 2 DKs per step until you get to top 2 and then 4

Noah’s Arc

  • PAX planks in two lines facing each other
    • 1st 2 perform 2 Merkins then sprint around circle
    • Repeat until all PAX have sprinted around circle

Mosey to field for Elevens

  • Carolina Dry Docks & LBCs


  • Freddie Mercurys IC X 40
  • Flutter Kicks IC x 40
  • Rosalitas IC x 40
  • Alabama Prom Dates IC x 40
  • American Hammers IC x 40

Native American Run Back to Flag

40 WWII Sit ups OYO at Flag

Numberama, Name O Rama, Announcements

  • Breaking Bread on 8/27 (Gumbo has the Q) – See Pre-Blast
  • Reese Strong 5K 9/16 – followed by Circle K’s Crab Fest (See Pre-Blast)
  • Convergence on 9/30 – Be ready for a hot potato

YHC took us out


On August 16, 1977 the world was shocked by the loss of an international icon.  The king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley, died suddenly and unexpectedly.  Meanwhile, in Columbia, MD a 30 year old die hard fan, who was 8 1/2 months pregnant with her 3rd child, went into false labor.  That woman was YHCs mom, and 3 days later, YHC was welcomed to the world.  40 years later, in the midst of a dense blanket of humidity, YHC started his birthday with 18 of the best guys around RVa.  At 6:40, when YHC arrived to the AO,  there was a feeling of loneliness that the end of hate would be alone and in the dark with the planted shovel flag.  Luckily, a few minutes later, Flipper showed, and then a minute after that Gumbo, and then things started to come together.

Prior to COP it became clear to the PAX that this morning was YHCs end of hate, and the 40 counts of exercises was no surprise to anyone.  Upon completion of COP, it was time to get over the hill by heading over to Love HIll and getting the morning started.  The introduction of this was met with a lot of enthusiastic sighs as those who have had the pleasure of Love HIll knew it to be a chore.  This was also Shakedown’s first introduction to Love Hill and he mentioned that this was a nice new form of punishment at the end.  YHC agrees with that.

The Rusty Cage is YHCs favorite portion of this AO.  YHC loves to incorporate pull ups into any Q.  YHC partnered with Hardywood during this and learned that he is recovering from tendinitis and had to modify.  Even with the modification, Hardywood crushed this like the true warrior he is.

The air in the amphitheater was especially thick today, which made 40 donkey kicks up the steps an especially glorious endeavor.  Fudd as usual had many questions about the meaning and significance of the count of the exercise here.  Like I said, the air was thick and was an obstacle and clearly was impeding the PAXs ability to think clearly.  YHC is not even sure if any of the events documented actually occurred this AM :).

Between the heavy air and the lack of sleep from last night, YHC can’t clearly remember much about the rest of the workout, except that Elevens were slightly modified and there was a lot of mumbling and groaning upon the beginning of the native american runs, that we were headed in the wrong direction.  Nonetheless, the best sound at the end of the morning was the roars and claps from the PAX upon YHCs call out of 40.  That was a great feeling and YHC is priveleged to be a part of this great group called F3 Rva.  Much love to the PAX this AM and thanks for indulging me and following my lead.  You guys all crushed it and I can’t think of a better way to start my 40th birthday.

Til Next Time



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  1. Happy birthday McRib. Sorry to miss it but I witnessed some of the grand finale. You guys were all soaked when you came in.

  2. To finish you title…like a McRib birthday beatdown. Hell of a beatdown today brother. Way to bring it and way to keep to keep us moving. I was shocked there was still time for Elevens because I was already smoked by then.

    Happy Birthday McRib. It’s great to have you in the F3 RVA group and dishing out beatdowns like today’s. Great job.

  3. Way to end your 30s with a bang McRib. Great Q and very cool to come back to the flag and see the 2.0s ready for Puppy Pile.

  4. Happy Birthday brother! Way to work us this morning. I do love new and exciting forms of punishment. You own 40 and make it look good.

    Don’t forget,, you’re not officially “in your 40’s” until next year. ??? Enjoy the rest of your day.

  5. Love Hill? More like Hate Hill!! Happy Birthday McRib! Solid birthday beatdown!

    Great to see everyone this morning! Will be missing you guys on Saturdays over the next few months as I prepare for my first ever half marathon!