Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Post or Get the Heck Out of the Way


Eleven of RVA’s finest hit up WDog undaunted by the fartsack or the Family Dollar truck blocking the entrance to the designated shovel flag ground.  Here’s how it went down.

Mosey to Carillon Field

Field Tracer (Side shuffle L, Straight ahead, Side Shuffle R, Backward)


  • SSH
  • Arm Circles
  • Copperhead Squats
  • Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Smurf Jacks

Carillon 11s

  • 1 Merkin / Run Up, 10 WWIIs, Lunge Across top, Run Down
  • 2 Merkins/ Run Up, 9 WWIIs, Lunge Across, Run Down….

Dora Touch-A-Tree (4, 5, 6….)

  • 100 Donkey Kicks
  • 200 Monkey Humpers
  • 300 LBCs

Mosey to Rusty Cage

  • Partner 1 10 Pullups or 25 Merkins
  • Partner 2 Sandbag Six Inches (Feet at 6 inches, Sandbag overhead at six inches alternating with presses)
  • Repeato, Repeato

Mosey to Circle for Ring of Fire

Mosey back to SF

Numberama, Nameorama, COT


YHC arrived just past 0500 to find the AO was only partially secured.  There was someone sleeping in a car and a big Family Dollar truck blocking the road.  YHC assumes Swirly told the driver to post or get the hell off the AO by 0530.  As the PAX was ready to depart the SF, the truck was gone.  TYA requested a route this morning that included the little blue stations along the way.  YHC can’t confirm if TYA had to stop.  Mumblechatter was plentiful this AM, but the only thing that sticks out to YHC was someone talking about toenails that look like pickles.  The PAX was complementary of YHC’s Smurf Jacks.  YHC appreciates, but Opus is the king and one true Smurf.  Nice to have Clavin back suffering through the humidity and a pleasure to meet Dexter and Wojo for the first time.  In the Lab Rat tradition, YHC apologizes to Saab for the many knee bending exercises.  Despite no stops at Bleeder’s pool, the PAX was drenched by the end, hopefully a good sign.  Thanks for allowing YHC to lead.


ReeseStrong 5k (many ways to participate)



About Author

When EF Hutton speaks, people listen.


  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Solid Beatdown EF Hutton – way to push fella’s
    See y’all in the gloom
    Oh by the way – yes I told that dude to post – he chose to leave – his loss !

  2. No apologies necessary EF…Despite enduring some pain through it all, knee felt good afterward which is a good sign.

    SOLID workout and I greatly appreciate every day I can be part of such an endeavor.

    I could clarify the chatter regarding TYA’s toenails and said-pickle, but I’ll leave it to the imagination of the PAX.