Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Many Regulars take a Vacation from GridIron


Two of the faithful posted at GridIron in the driving rain, while most of the regulars decided that they deserved a cozy respite. Johnsonville took Q, thus completing his SOJ leadership duties. This is what went down:

Warmup COP with 50x ssh, 50x LBC, 10x merkins, 25x crab cakes, etc.

Mosey to gridiron for beast with
monkey humpers
WWII situps
flutter kicks

Mosey to track. 1/4 mi. intervals. rinse and repeat several more times.

Mosey to front of school. Descending merkin ladder.

Mosey to VSF. COT with Attila taking us out.


YHC contemplated a full burpee beast, but put that back in the lineup so that we can get full, or nearly full, participation. I hope everyone enjoyed their travels and rest, because it’s only a matter of time….

Great job, Attila! Thank you all for giving me a chance to lead during SOJ week. Jville


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