Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Revenge of the Sparrow


8 Fearless Warriors showed up at SOT ready for a beat down. With heads ducked against aerial attacks they moseyed to the tennis courts and got to work.


  • SSH x 20
  • Hillbillies x 25
  • Don Quixote x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • LBC’s x 20
  • Bob & Weave x 20 (shout out to DK)

Mosey to the baseball field

Field Of Dreams

4 stations, 2 PAX at each station, workout until switch is called

  • Station #1 – Merkins (10 yards past 1st base)
  • Station #2 – Squats (10 yards past 2nd base)
  • Station #3 – LBC’s (10 yards past 3rd base)
  • Station #4 – 15 burpees then call switch (home plate)

Mosey to the football field


  1. Start at the end zone – duck walk to 10 yard line, do 5 merkins, crawl bear back to end zone.
  2. Repeat to the 20 yard line
  3. Repeat to the 30 yard line

Mosey to the tennis courts

4 Corners

Four rounds – Corner 1 = squats, Corner 2 = 2-count Mountain Climbers, Corner 3 = Flutterkicks, Corner 4 = WWII situps (audible to Hello Dolly after round 2)

Round 1 = 10 reps at each corner, Round 2 = 15 reps, Round 3 = 20 reps, Round 4 = 25 reps

Alternating Mary

  • 20 LBC’s IC
    • 10 Carolina Dry-docks OYO
  • 20 Freddie Mercury IC
    • 10 Werkins OYO
  • 20 APD’s IC
    • 20 Monkey Humpers OYO
  • 20 E2K IC
    • 10 Diamond Merkins OYO

Mosey back to parking lot for Numberama/Namerama/COT


  • BRR in September – several openings due to injuries. See TYA or Swirly if interested
  • ReeseStrong 5k followed by Crab Fest at Circle K’s – September 16th
  • September 30th – convergence at Gridiron – 6:00 – 8:00


YHC had never been to SOT before, but with the SOJ Takeover in full swing I was willing to plug in wherever needed. Google Earth and some Exicon digging led to coming up with the Field of Dreams and DMC in an effort to come up with something I haven’t done before.

Field of Dreams was received with some hesitation by the PAX – not sure if this was the muddy in-field (PAX moved the home plate location to the on-deck area to avoid the mud) or just dislike of the plan. Note for the future – don’t put Merkins at the station following Burpees.

DMC was received with consternation and outright groans. YHC planned to do 5 rounds with the last round all the way to the 50 yard line. The groaning started after round 1, and after attempting to crawl-bear 30 yards on round 3, YHC realized that any further would be insanity.

During COT, Marmaduke experienced an aerial bombing from a member of the local avian community to the back of the neck – somehow this was noticed in progress by Ocho.

Thanks for putting up with the experimentation this morning guys!

-Why walk when you can wheelbarrow?


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  1. Great job stepping up Wheelbarrow, thanks for coming out to SOT. The SOJ wildlife was in full effect today with EF Hutton getting clipped by a deer on the way south and the bombing Marmaduke received. I am still not sure how Ocho saw that coming and called out “Heads up” it was too late for Marmaduke though.
    Hearing groans is a sign you have done your job well as the Q, don’t take it personally.

  2. Wheelbarrow-killer workout. Duck walks and crawl bears suck really bad when combined! Only monkey humpers would have made them worse. Foxes, deer and bird poop. We might need to rename SOT! I mean Marmaduke got POOPED on. ???????????????

  3. Awesome Q Wheelbarrow! I’ll take the attack from above as a sign of good luck..I think! Also glad to see Bobber back out, great work this morning!

  4. Note to self – Monkey Humpers also start with “M” and fit the DMC theme…(-evil chuckle-)

  5. Traveling down south never disappoints. Glad my car survived Bambi’s attack and I was able to witness Marmaduke get shat upon first hand. Is Ocho the real Three-eyed Raven? Good work Wheelbarrow.

  6. Marmaduke – only people who have been shat on say it is good luck. Way to take it in stride though. Well done fellas.