Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

This way, then That way


Ten strong mosey into the rainy gloom.

The Thang

Leaving the lake the 4 milers cross the Huguenot Bridge make the cloverleaf and return.  5 milers extend to Rockfalls Drive and return, 6 milers extend to the Damn and return.


YHC decided to follow the KISS method when planning the route this morning.  No one got lost and the PAX all returned safely without any concern.  I will call that a victory!   The PAX, as always, was quite impressive both collectively and individually. Running to the gloom, putting in extra mileage, #SOJTakeover leader flying by with a mile to go, Corporate motivation, learning where the real entrance to U of R is located, new construction timelines, practicing yoga by the lake, and of course shipping beer to your vacation destination.  The priorities of BRR prep are evident.     Well done fellas!



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  1. We also answered the question of if a tree falls in the woods when you are running by it, does it make a sound. The real question is whether you speed up or stop in your tracks.

  2. Special non-credit course on beer shipping to be offered during the next HDHH.

    Simple but great route Lug. Always a pleasure when visitors do not get lost at Spider Run.

  3. Thanks for the easy directions and for taking us to the right side of the river Lugnut. SOJ