Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

If a Tree falls in the Woods?


Not to be deterred by low numbers, 3 of the baddest men on the planet took to Heartbreak Ridge like they owned it. The weather was perfect, somewhat cool and humidity seemed lower than it has been in awhile.  The Greatest Beatdown ever performed went something like this:

Mosey around the track 1 1/2 times to the corner near the jerkins bar for COP:

20 SSH IC, 15 Don Quixotes IC, 20 Imperial Walkers IC, 20 Hillbillies IC, Arm Circles small 10 forward 5 large Reverso.  20 Freddie Mercuries IC, 10 Merkins IC

Start at 1 corner of the Track run around the track and stop at the 50, endzone corner, endzone corner, 50, endzone corner, and back to the start.  First time around do 20 Merkins at each stop, 2nd do 20 jump squats, and 3rd time around do 5 burpees at each stop.

Move to Heartbreak Ridge

Bear Crawl up the Hill…..Crawl Bear Down the Hill.  (not that great so we moved on)

Toga’s House of Pain for a Triple Check

Runs up and around the shovel flag.  2. Freddie Mercuries 3. Balls to the Wall  X 3.

Crooked Wooden bleachers: 8 dips on the way down on each bench first 4 then 20 dips on last bench.  Back up 10 incline merkins on first 4 then 20 merkins on last.

Back to Flag for a Steamy Triangle( not enough people for a ring of fire)

20 APD’s IC, Hold 6 inches for final minute.

Numberama/Namearama……Garbage Plate took us out.


YHC would Q more but is often afraid his 5:33 start time would not endear him to the PAX, but at the request of Loose Goose, I took the Q.  I arrived early to an empty lot and darkness, oh the time is changing fellas.  I had big plans to lay the most epic beatdown in F3 history.  However at about 5:25 my loan friend Ronnie rolled in and with about 30 seconds to spare Garbage plate rolled in to at least give us enough for a triple check.  The Pax killed it. Always up to the task.  At one point we saw a possible EH running the track but according to Ronnie maybe we should wait when its not such a lame Q.  Thanks Ronnie for the props.  We proceeded to follow thru with the plan and at the end, we all agreed that this was probably the most incredible feat of human endeavor.  It may have been the greatest Q followed up with the greatest individual efforts by a Pax in RVA history.  It was the Greatest beatdown in the World,  but this wasn’t really what happened at the greatest beatdown of the world this is only a “Tribute”   Tenacious D fans will get the joke.  If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?  If only 3 pax show up for the greatest beatdown in the world,  was it really the greatest?  Not sure but I will roll anywhere with Ronnie and Garbage Plate.

No announcement.. there were 3 of us.


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  1. Flipper, nursing a bad shoulder and sleep deprivation. Sorry to miss. Looked like a good one. Hope to be there for your next one.

  2. Rest those shoulders… ugh , I will try to repeat the greatest beatdown in the world my next Q but the likelyhood of that happening goes down the more witnesses there are… get better soon HR needs you