Thursday, January 23
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

DogPile 2.0 Debut


There are moments in all of our lives where we’ll never forget our location when the event occurs.

Where were you when VCU played in the Final Four?

Where were you when you found out Toga was leaving town?

Where were you that one time Swirly ran opposite right into that group of Seal Teamers and left nothing but a wake of blue t-shirts and cliipboards laying on their backs behind him?

The same goes for today, where were you when we launched the first ever DogPile 3rd Saturday at 7am 2.0 Friendly workout?  Also known as DP3Sa72FW (working title…feel free to send other title ideas).

This morning, in the sludge that was a Richmond Post Dawn humidity fest, 14 men and their 2.0s gathered at DogPile to launch the first 2.0 specific workout on this side of 195.  Inspired by Doner Kebob and his Gridiron workouts, those of us in the city and the near west end decided that we couldn’t quite drive the the suburbs randomly to workout in all that new construction.  We needed to go back to the basics.

We also needed a bit of consistency…something to look forward to…something to mark our calendars.  So it was decided that the 3rd Saturday of every month, at 7am, would be a 2.0 Friendly THANG that would immediately follow the 6am DogPile workout.

By the way…good gracious on the size of the Saturday 6am DogPile…The Richmond Spiders don’t get that many people at their conference games.  Terrific job, men.  Also, there’s nothing quite like the looks on the faces of the 2.0s when they see the mass of men returning back to the flag after a 60 minute beatdown.  It’s akin to standing in the front of the line in a roller coaster and the previous coaster pulls into the station and everyone is throwing up.

“We are about to do that?”

In the end, there were 5 adults and 9 2.0s…they had us outnumbered from the beginning.



This was more of an Oval of Trust at the very top of the Carrillon.
25 Side Straddle Hops
16 Donald Quixotes
15 Imperial Walkers
15 Arm Circles Forward
15 Arm Circles Backward
6 ‘mercans
20 LBCs
20 Freddie Mercury’s (hey dad, why do they call those Freddy Mercury’s?)

Mosey West to the Trees next to the Carrillon.

Touch a Tree
Run to a tree, do 5 ‘mercans and 1 burpee. Next tree hit 4 ‘mercans and 2 burpees. And so on…
Next set…run to a tree, do 5 ‘mercans and 1 LBC. Next tree 4 ‘mercans and 2 LBCs…wash and repeat

Noah’s Ark (TradeMark/Patton Pending–Doner Kebob)
Circle Up in the grassy circle east of the Carrilon. Each member of the PAX picks an animal “walk” to get to the middle of the circle and back. Highlighted Animals in no specific order:

Bear Crawl
Polar Bear
Crab Walk
Duck Walk
Copperhead Crawl
Seal Crawl
Elephant Walk
(maybe a few others. The Seal Crawl and Copperhead Crawl were total beatdowns.

Mosey to the Carrilon for Triple Check.
One member of each team runs up the stairs to the Carrillon and then back down while the other members either do LBCs and spell-check. The spell check was your school, or teacher or university or your job. Each PAX member ran three times.

At this point, Lockjaw took the potato and headed to the bars. By this time, some moseys became flat out walks.

At the bars, the PAX had to use the chin-up bars like monkey bars and slide down and around.

Following that–we headed to the dip bars where we did 7 dips and 15 flutter kicks.

PAX then moseyed back to the big field facing the Carrillon for the 2.0 staple and the sneaky hardest exercise of the day–the Sharks and Minnows game. Sharks had to try to catch Bear Crawling minnows while crab walking. If you left your hands at anytime you were out as a crab.

The first round caught only one 2.0 as the dad’s strategies fell a bit short…those minnows were very fleet of fours. Following a huddle and a strategy, the dads began picking off the minnows one by one. “BearRolling” was deemed allowable as long as your 6 didn’t hit the ground. This would be akin to spinning in flag football but not using your hands as a stiff arm.

The winner of the sharks and minnows was Veep…his second ever win in a Sharks and Minnows game.

Switch sides…dads are minnows and 2.0s are sharks. Ronnie gets the win.

Mosey to Ring of Fire where the PAX finishes with burpee shuffle and 20 American Hammers (in honor of TYA).

Editor’s Note–I hope we continue to get more and more 2.0s out at this each month. We had a terrific time. Who knows what our 2.0s will remember. If they are like me, they’ll probably only remember the times I screwed up or got mad or things like that, but I can’t imagine them NOT recalling getting up before 7am and going to a workout with a bunch of other 2.0s. Next one is 8/19/17…mark your calendars.

Welcome FNGs–
Bassy Lassie — she likes to fish but also likes to wear pretty dresses
Panda Hamm– big women’s soccer fan who has an affinity for Panda Bears
Crickey– Huge outdoorsman that also does art. A renaissance boy (said in Australian dialect)

Have a good weekend, gents. Help us all be better fathers.



About Author


  1. Awesome BB.

    I have always called sideways monkeybar orangutans. The cage is perfect for it.

  2. Before I called the copperhead crawls I was certain to check for TwoCan in the tree line. We didn’t need any of the Pax getting that type of beat down inadvertently.

    While today was a 2.0 focused workout, it was solid work for the 1.0s as well. You against you, as well as against your 2.0. Besides, only the nimble Pax could handle the earthworm break dance style.

  3. Solid work dads and young’uns. Love the new names, works of art each and all!

    Also, fantastic bb! The jab at UR basketball did not go unnoticed.

  4. My 2.0s and I had a great time. As LockJaw said good workout for both kids and dads. Thanks for starting this up, Marv.

  5. Southpaw and I were sorry to miss the inaugural session, but we were up in the Allegheny Forest skipping rocks on a mountain stream. We’ve got the next session marked in the calendar.

  6. Döner Kebab on

    I also didn’t know this was happening! Awesome. Well done, gents and kiddos. The Chicken Whisperer, Flying Squirrel and I are in for the next one!