In case you haven’t heard, Toga and his family are moving to Nashville later this summer. No one is more upset than YHC, as Toga and YHC have been friends for a long time. Toga is the perfect antidote to Fudd. When YHC gets fired up, Toga reels him in. When YHC starts up with mumblechatter, Toga can be counted on to drop the penetrating type of sarcasm that leaves YHC speechless. Yin and Yang, positive and negative, the Redskins and the Cowboys, the analogies could continue forever…….the greatness of one could not be achieved without the counteracting forces of the other. One thing YHC is certain of…….for all the grief I’ve endured over the years, I know that in many ways my friendship with Toga has made me a better man. Iron sharpens iron……..and no one has sharpened YHC more than Toga.
All good things must come to an end, and although I’m sure we are all sad to see Toga go, YHC hopes that the PAX can make an extra effort to break free from the hold of the fartsack, prior commitments, or whatever inconveniences might let you rationalize not posting, and flood Dogpile with numbers on Saturday, July 8th so that Toga feels the love before the sun sets on his last days in RVA. Fudd and Toga will share the Q, and between the Yin and the Yang, I can pretty much guarantee that all will be smoked by the time 7am rolls around.
Another pearl for those of you that don’t know……..Dogpile was Toga’s brainchild, and I’m pretty sure (Big Data please confirm) that he was the first Q ever of the Super Bowl of F3RVA workouts. Let’s send the Godfather of Dogpile off in style.
I hate that I’m missing this beatdown but I’m sure there will be at least a few more times I’ll have the chance to workout with my man Toga!
Great call Fudd, let’s send Toga out right. Looking forward to doing Scapula Merkins one last time.