Fifteen fierce veterans descended on WDog on a strangely cool late June morning for YHC’s VQ.
Here’s what went down:
Mosey to circle by the amphitheater for COP:
- SSH x 30 (because YHC forgot to stop counting at 25)
- Don Quixote x 12
- Hillbillies x 20
- Merkins x 12
- LBCs x 20
Quick mosey to top of the amphitheater. PAX performs 5 derkins and 5 dips at each step on the way down and then 1 box jump burpee at each step on the way up.
BLIMPS at the Carillon:
- Burpees x 10
- Lunges x 15 (each leg)
- Imperial Walkers x 20 (each leg)
- Merkins x 25
- Plank Jax x 30
- Squats (jump squats) x 35
In between each exercise, run up and around the back of the Carillon.
PAX performs 6 of each exercise at the 25-50-75, run to the end of the field, turn around, and repeat for each round.
- Round 1 – Merkins
- Round 2 – Merkins (Offshore)
- Round 3 – WWII Sit-ups (Swirly)
- Round 4 – Carolina Dry Docks (Sippy)
- Round 5 – Crunchy Frogs (Lab Rat)
Numberama, Namerama, COT
YHC arrived at the AO 15 minutes early this morning to doublecheck that the amphitheater was not overgrown with weeds but mainly to see if YHC could beat Swirly. No such luck. Swirly and Bleeder were chillin’ out like they’d been there since 4:30.
Since this was my VQ, YHC slept very little last night going over the exercises in my head. YHC received varying degrees of advice when it came to his first Q: make it as hard as possible, make it simple, have a theme, etc. Ultimately, YHC went with as simple as possible…but no simpler. I’m pretty sure that’s an Einstein quote and who am I to argue with Einstein.
YHC had more than enough exercises planned than 45 minutes would allow. Even so, I was surprised by how quickly the PAX crushed what I threw at them. In the lead were the usual suspects (Hardywood, Swirly, Sippy, Offshore, ….forgive me if I left your name out). Lab Rat was looking for a pattern in my counts during COP. It was nothing but randomness, however. The descent/ascent of the amphitheater was straightforward enough and the PAX seemed to appreciate my consistent counts of the exercises for each step. The BLIMPS went well enough although there was some disagreement over whether YHC said to start with 5 or 10 burpees. The Beast went off without a hitch but only 5 of 6 rounds were completed due to running out of time. Offshore was dying to get his 800 merkins in today and opted for two rounds of merkins.
Very little mumble chatter this morning…should YHC take that as a compliment?
It was a privilege to lead this morning! YHC has been wanting to Q but needed a VQ week to really motivate me. Thanks to Offshore and Wheelbarrow for making a point to come out this morning and support YHC for his VQ.
- Wednesday hill run at 5:30
- Shirts for sale on to benefit family of Cheech (F3 Lexington) who was hit by a car while running last week
Peace out homeslices!
Well done Tobit. Looks like a beast with some good variety. STRONG!
Well done Tobit – solid VQ man..
Way to work fella’s,
See y’all in the gloom….
Awesome Q (VQ? Really?) Tobit!
Trust me, there was plenty of chatter….it was just towards the back of the pax.
Solid work, Tobit. Respect!
It might have been mostly one or two people.
Solid Q Tobit.
Like a Veteran Q… Tobit Congrats on getting the VQ under your belt… The Guys out Front motivate us all to get to that level… but remember those of us in the middle and the back of the pack motivate the front runners because they know we are chasing them. This is an incredible group of men from the front to the back all motivate me to be better.
” You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking in which it was created ”
Definitely Einstein ( he and his brother made pretty good bagels too… huh who knew)
Amen to that Flipper…well said words of wisdom.
Well done Tobit, Great VQ!
Great Q Tobit. Way to knock it out. Here’s to many more.
Great VQ Tobit! That was a beatdown, and packed a big punch for sticking close to one area.
I can attest to the Labrat/Gomer Pyle mumblechatter, it was definitely not absent.