WHAT : F3 RVA July 4 Convergence
WHERE : Dogpile
WHEN : 6-7am
With the amount of hotdogs, hamburgers and golden beverages that are sure to be consumed by the PAX on July 4, why not make some room for the over indulgences by starting the day off with a good F3 beatdown. We will gather in the normal location for Saturday morning Dogpile at the World Series of AOs (as THE Carpenter likes to call Dogpile) and spend the next 60 minutes celebrating our Independence the only way F3 men know how.
As the day is a holiday, it is also the perfect opportunity to EH some neighbors, friends or out of town guests. Make sure to bring your Shovel Flag.
Circle K
The DaVille clown car will be there!!
Golden beverages…….cider? Sparkling cider?
Thanks for putting this together! I will be out of town, but I will hoist a coldbeer in your honor from the sandy shores of North Carolina.