A fearless 8 Warriors showed up for a virgin Q at Batteau on a cool summer morning. Something similar to the below transpired:
Mosey to the bottom of the steps for COP
- SSH x 20
- Don Quixote x 20
- Arm Circles x 20 (give or take)
- LBC’s x 20
- Merkins x 10
- Imperial Walkers x 20
- Box jumps at the bottom, WWII situps at the road
- Plank for 6 – pick up Rapunzel
Mosey to the stone wall behind tennis courts for receipt of coupon (VQ’pon). Partner up – Partner A grabs a coupon and Partner B runs along side for moral support. Mosey to playground.
Coupon Playground:
Partner A does 5 pullups and 10 Incline Merkins while Partner B grabs the coupon and does lunges around the perimeter of the playground. Switch off when Partner A is complete – repeat up to 3 rounds.
Partner B grabs the coupon and the PAX mosey’s to the Stone House.
Coupon Chair:
Partner A does People’s Chair with the coupon on their lap, while Partner B runs a lap around the magnolia and back. Switch off and repeat up to 3 rounds.
Partner A & B tag team the mosey back to the stone wall to deposit the coupon in it’s resting place. Mosey back to shovel flag for 10 minutes of Mary.
Mary’s Merkins
- LBC’s x 20
- 10 Merkins OYO
- Flutterkicks x 20
- 10 Merkins OYO
- Freddie Mercury x 20
- 10 Merkins OYO
YHC arrived to the AO “Swirly early” to scout out the coupon situation – I could have sworn there were coupons located next to a tree near the Jacobs ladder field. No matter – YHC found 4 coupons at the stone wall and 8 PAX were in attendance making the plan work as desired.
After scouting the AO, YHC was waiting by the car when he heard the ominous hooting of an owl from a neighboring tree. Thinking this was an ambush planned for Sippy Cup, YHC kept a weather eye on the road from the Nickel Bridge to see the carnage in action…no air attacks happened today as Sippy drove to the AO.
Tobit and Swirly crushed the Eleven’s – way to go fellas. YHC messed up the counting a bit on the Arm Circles, and even called merkins pushups once (thanks Singer for the reminder!). After the Eleven’s the PAX stayed close together and crushed everything as a group.
Thanks for allowing me to lead this morning, fellas! It was an honor and a privilege. Thanks to Tobit and Rapunzel for coming out to support YHC on his VQ.
- YHC forgot to ask for announcements…if you have any please post in the comments.
- Toga’s going away party @ The Answer on July 12 – see preblast.
Why walk when you can Wheelbarrow?
Great job this morning PAX! It was a beautiful summer morning, it felt great to get the week kicked off right.
Dude! VQ with coupons? My eyes are a bit misty at the very idea. Great work and sorry I missed it.
Well done Wheelbarrow. Wanted to be there, but Punisher is closer and I had to get back home quickly after the beatdown.
Great VQ Wheelbarrow – welcome to the Q list baby !
Well done today fella’s – excellent way to start the week…
See y’all in the gloom…
Sounds like a heck of a beatdown. I agree with Toga (I cant believe I just typed that), a VQ with coupons is very impressive indeed. Great VQ
Nice work Wheelbarrow – coupons and a snappy catch-phrase — you have been holding out on us. No mas – you are in the rotation man! Way to go.
Awesome VQ Wheelbarrow…it did not disappoint! Thanks for the Monday beatdown.
Good job, Wheelbarrow, a well planned and executed Q. Hopefully I’ll be running to the AO again soon.
It takes Stones to pull out the Stones on your VQ… well done Wheel Barrow… Something weird happened… I got to see what happens the 3-4 minutes before the Pax takes off at 5:30… overrated.. I’ll get there when I get there… Again VQ was rock solid!!
Wheelbarrow! Love the Q, love the back blast, love the tag line! Well done. I look forward to following your lead soon.
Nice job.
Ditto. Good work, Wheelbarrow!
Bummed I was out of town for you VQ, looks like a good one. Solid BB as well!
Great VQ Wheelbarro!. Set the bar high.
Thanks Toga! You were Q on my first posting, and responsible for my F3 name. Thanks for leading by example!
Thanks for EH’ing me Sippy! It has been a pleasure to work out with you for the past 8 months.