Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Gimme 5… 10… 15… 20


What a beautiful day to be in F3RVA!  6 awesome dudes showed up for a VQ at Punisher.  YHC tried not to disappoint!

Mosey to the brick wall for a donkey kick-off.  5 donkey kicks, then hold for 5 seconds, then 10, then 15, finally 20!

Mosey to a grassy area for COP
Side Plank Raises
American Hammers
Roll Ups
Smurf Jacks

Mosey to Picnic Tables for some light refreshments and
Skull crushers 5 each side IC, then 5 Derkins OYO
Repeat adding 5 to the number each time until we got to twenty.

Mosey to basketball court
Partner Sprints —
1) One partner does a regular wind sprint, the other does AMRAP merkins — switch up
2) One Partner does a reverse wind sprint, the other does AMRAP freddy mercuries — switch up
3) Wheelbarrow 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, full.  Each stop do 5 merkins.  Switch and let the other partner do their thing.

Stay with partner, alternate 5 partner jumps over elbow planking partner– then 10, then 15
alternate 5 leg throwdowns, then 10, then 15
15 boo-yah merkins

Mosey over to field
Lunge and Runs — 5 lunges, then run to the tree designated by the Q! (Spit, come back!!!)
5 on the way back.
10 lunges, then run — same on the way back
15 lunges, then run

Forgo the Balls to the Wall exercise I had planned — opted for Marys back at the flag.
Wave of Merkins — started at 1 merkin around the circle, then 2 — made it up to 8 before time ran out.

NMS — Why is it that even though Lab Rat is not at a workout, that his name still is mentioned?
When EF Hutton and YHC were teamed up for Partner Leg Throwdowns, EF asked  if he could do it LabRat style.  YHC didn’t know what that meant and wasn’t sure he really wanted to find out.

Other observations
EFHutton must have done a lot of jumproping in his formative years, because he did all of those jumpovers in rhythm without stopping, one right after the other.  T-claps.

The Wheelbarrow thing was much harder than YHC originally imagined it would be,  The PAX did amazingly well with this.

It was good to see Conspiracy out there — he mentioned he was just getting back into the swing of things after the birth of his daughter.  Congrats!  Kids are a blessing (at least most of the time).

Spit needs very specific directions when it comes to which tree to run to.  YHC said “Not the furthest one”  — Spit must have heard everything except for the first word.  Next time, I will go into more detail describing the bark, leaves, height, shape of the tree before proceeding.

Had a great time branching out to VQ another AO!

Announcements —
First Thursdays in Mechanicsville starts NEXT Thursday the 6th.  6 PM Meet at Atlee for pickup game of Ultimate.  (30-45 minutes) — then head to COTU for a little 2nd F time.  If you can only make it for part of the time, that is totally cool.

Going away party at the Answer BrewPub on July 12th.  See preblast for full details.




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  1. Enjoyed the Q Opus. I do like to hop in rhythm though I eventually lose all control. Btw, that was Conspiracy, not Sabotage, though I suspect he’ll take the credit for big data purposes.

  2. Wish I could have joined you guys, but that wasn’t me. Sounds like it was a solid beatdown. Loose Goose just had a baby. Perhaps it was him?

  3. Thanks to Hutton for finally naming a “style” after me! Whoot!

    And no Toga, that doesn’t mean you do them half assed.

  4. Awesome job Opus!! Glad I was able to get up in time to join the fun this morning. Sorry to be an overachiever during the lunge and run. I never said I knew how to follow directions.

  5. I have been known to forget a name every once in a while. It’s like when I call all my kids names out before u get to the right one. Will fix it in the backblast. Thanks!