Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pipe Loop !


22 strong posted for Dogpile this morning in the windy gloom and here is how it went down…

Mossy – Warmup = Arm Circles, Helicopters, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s, APD’s Flutter Kicks – curb crawl 1-5.

Pipe Loop – Partner up – run the loop – 4 exercises = 100 Lt. Dans – 200 Cap Thor’s – 300 Merkins – 400 invisible jump rope .

lunge up the loop to the break – mossy the rest of the way up to the rusty cage.

Rusty Cage : 5 chin up -10 American Hammers = 3 sets   –  Jerkin station : 5 Jerkins – 10 WW11 situps = 3 sets.

Mossy to the Carillon – Ring of Fire = 10 merkins while planking

Indian Run : 3 lines across field down road – back to the flag.

The Scoop : YHC arrived at 5AM and planted the Flags for the 6AM beatdown . Yep that’s right an hour early – it’s all about preparation boys !! YHC enjoyed the nice windy gloom while listening to the latest F3RVA podcast (Viral as the special guest – well done dude) and visualized the workout about to take place – yep YHC got a bit of a chub….. The pax rolled in and smiles and laughter filled the air. Great to see Rosie moving around so well – atta baby Rosie – back at it dude ! Wilson was a celebrity guest down in Charlotte this week and he showed those dudes how we role in RVA – well done Wilson – love the Gotee bro – sexy… Hardywood ran to Dogpile – strong buddy – love it! Not sure what the deal is with Circle K but that dude arrived with 5 minutes to spare ??? Wilson called out Mr Roper – saying he will arrive right at the bell and not have his shoes on – nor will he rush to put his shoes on – boom nailed it Wilson… Flipper ran 4 miles all over Dogpile looking for the pax and finally found us at the pipe loop – way to persevere Flipdog!

The pipe loop was a crowd pleaser – not much mumble chatter – YHC did hear a pax member yell out Swilry is the Q you love to hate – I God why did I come – and seriously I may puke. YHC takes all these comments as positive … Both Fudd and Circle K mentioned to YHC that today was a close to splashing Merlot as they have come – maybe lay off the scotch and Jack Daniels before a Swirly Q – ya think….. Gomer Pyle crushed that loop – so did Cozmo – great job dudes.  The lunge at the end of the loop up to the cage was mostly a slow walk before a Mossy. The cage is always a good smoker – YHC  loved the effort there boys way to push..Two Can decided he would do his own Mossy back to the flag instead of participate in the Indian Run – YHC was glad to see him all smiles when we returned so all was well no major issues.. Saabski rolled around a bit after we circled up – guess he needed a little more stretching – glad there was no injury – or added injury – take it easy Saabski we need you healthy.

Excellent job by the pax this morning – it was a pleasure to lead..

ET’s was a blast as always – great to have TYA join us after he ran 13 miles this morning – dude is a stud! Also awesome to have Loose Goose and Viral come to breakfast – sorry y’all missed the beatdown but great to see y’all.

HDHH : coming up soon.

Be prepared for a July 4th convergence workout – stay tuned.

Upchuck – golf event 8/7 – get with him if interested – it’s a great cause..

VQ week – this coming week – step up if you have not Q’d – Corporate is paying attention.

New Podcasts are up – check them out

Wed Hill runs : if you are running in the BRR – come on out…. BRR 75 days away – it’s right around the corner fella’s …

Continue to be in prayer for Cheech – his family – his pax – and the person involved in this terrible accident . And remember what I said – don;t take anything for granted – be thankful for the many blessings you have, and live man – just live life to the fullest- give it your best ! May God continue to be with you all!

Have a great rest of the weekend.


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  1. Swirly – New Market clown car was curious who was Q. The comment was made that we hoped it would be a Swirly Q as YOU have been on special assignment (Charlottesville) recently. You did not disappoint. The comments were a bit different on the way back (all positive)! It is always fun & interesting to visit other markets, but there is no better feeling than coming home to your own PAX. We have the best dudes in the WORLD. I’d put my money on any of RVA PAX over any others! Sorry I missed ET’s, but should be back to routine soon! Have a great day fellas! On a side note – does BIG DATA look at posts out of town???

  2. What a Q Swirly. Definite Smokefest. I learned a valuable lesson today……I have officially reached the age when 2.5 scotches the night before a Swirly Q is a bad idea.

    Awesome prayer in the BOM. Prayers lifting up for Cheech’s family. Be careful out there fellas, and listen to Swirly’s advice. This life is short and we only get one chance at it. Give it all you have, and soak up every minute.

  3. Swirly great Q. The entire PAX pushed it hard this morning. Less JD the night before a Swirly Q might be a good idea. Thoughts and prayer to Cheechs family and the driver. Now I am going to go give my wife and kids a hug and live this day to the best of my ability.

  4. Great to be back at Dogpile and get back to ETs. Thanks for testing the ankle on the pipe loop Swirly, that was fun.
    Love that big data responded so quickly to Wilson, always watching.

  5. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Fuddski made my day rolling up in the red Lexus convertible with white leather seats – freaken pimpin baby .. all he need was his famous I’m sexy hat with a recording of ( Hi Roger) playing over and over with the background music of we could be heroes…..

  6. Fanflippingtastic Q swirly. That was an absolute smokefest. I appreciate your principled leadership a great deal. Excellent job out there fellas. The only thing better than Fudd’s vehicle was the license place and the reasons that Wilson and Toucan were guessing he drove it.I did see Hitchhiker later in the morning with his family at the farmers market. It was fun to sing his praises in front of his M as he was beaming with pride. These crazy workouts and these crazier men are something to be proud of. Have a great weekend fellas. Be super.

  7. Total gasser today, Swirly. Well done. I can feel the shoulders tightening slowly by the hour…Nice work, Fuddski. Even after a few JDs, you still bring the effort when partnering.

    I realized a new life goal today…I want to be one of Viral’s kids. Those sticky buns looked delicious.

  8. Thanks for leading today Swirly. That was certainly a chub-worthy workout. Appreciation to Wilson for carrying me through the extended Doras.

  9. Sorry to miss it! Swirly Q when it’s damn near 80 had to be a tough one! Charlottesville guys are on their way to great things, now back to ET’s on Saturdays! Save me a seat…

  10. Solid Q and message Swirly. Prayers for Cheech’s family.

    Center Outer Banks is in need of some men to show the tourists how it’s done. Thinking the public beach parkibg lot at 4 MP. Starting June 30.

    Get all Wet and Sandy.

  11. That was a smoke fest today Swirly! Thanks for leading and thanks to Gomer Pile and Fudd for partnering with me today. A special thanks to Flipper for partnering with me on “I want to know what Lunge is….I want you to show me”….”I want to feel what lunge is…I want you to know me”….that was a nice way to finish off the pipe loop…

    Always a ton of fun at dogpile and ETs afterwards was great always.

    Great job fellas!


  12. Could we have a designated COP spot for Gods sake…everyone getting very inventive lately is killing me trying to find the Pax…Sure I could show up on time but that’s not the point here…Great Q Swirly….McRib I am not sure either one of us really showed anyone “what lunge is” but the singing was fun and consider that my audition tape for The McRib Experience…I also have dope moves…

    Prayers and Blessings to Cheech’s family…Hug em up today!