An impressive nine posted at Bettie Weaver for YHC’s 4th and last beatdown of the week. The weather all week has been perfect. This is what transpired.
Mosey to James River High School
- SSHs
- Don Quixotes
- Arm Circles
- Merkins
- LBCs
- Freddie Mercuries
Mosey to back of school.
Partner Up – One participant runs to other side of field and back while their partner does 5 burpees. When the partner gets back from running, they switch. Each partner does this 4 times.
Circle Up in plank position
- Merkins – 5 IC, hold plank then lower to 2 inches above ground.
- From 2 inches – Merkins – 5 IC – hold plank to 2 inches.
- From 2 inches – Merkins going only ½ way up. – 5 IC. Hold plank, recover
- Freddie Mercuries – 10 IC
- Hold legs 6 inches – then leg lifts – 10 IC
- Merkins – 5 IC, hold plank then lower to 2 inches above ground.
- From 2 inches – Merkins – 5 IC – hold plank to 2 inches.
- From 2 inches – Merkins going only ½ way up. – 5 IC. Hold plank, recover
Mosey to pull-up bars
Partner up – do 50 pull-ups in 3 minutes.
Mosey to basketball court beside school.
Balls/Plank to the Wall
- Balls to the wall – hold
- Walk out to plank to the wall – hold
- Walk back to balls to the wall – hold
- Walk out to plank to the wall – hold
Mosey to baseball field behind Bettie Weaver
Run 2 laps around field
- 1st lap – 10 merkins at each corner.
- 2nd lap – 5 burpees at each corner.
Mosey to baseball diamond and circle up
Plank-O-Rama – Get in plank position
- Alternating Carolina Dry Docks/Merkins – 10 IC – hold Plank
- Rotate to side plank – hold – after about 20 seconds, drop hip and raise – 10 IC – hold plank
- Rotate back plank– Hold – after about 20 – Inverted APD – 10 IC – hold plank
- Rotate to other side plank – hold – after about 20 seconds, drop hip and raise – 10 IC – hold plank
- Rotate to plank position – hand released merkins – 10 IC – hold plank
- Rotating elbow planks – 10 IC – hold plank
- Mountain Climbers – 20 IC – hold plank and then recover
Mosey around field and back to shovel flag
25 Merkins on your own.
Numberama, Name-O-Rama, Announcements
Viral took us out.
The Daville Takeover has been a lot of fun this week. YHC has had the opportunity to travel to several AOs that he has either never visited or rarely visited. The best thing about F3 is this. When YHC pulled up to Bettie Weaver this morning after a 30 minute drive, he knew everybody. It felt like home. And there was no Gumbo, Rosie, or Wilson. It was awesome as well seeing Viral who rarely post at Bettie Weaver and Offshore who was there for his first time. Offshore had posted 2 weeks ago at Green Acres. Way to travel Offshore!
Thank you McRib for guiding YHC throughout the campus. All PAX members were very patient as YHC tried to figure out what exercises to do where. YHC had to use several back-up plans when he could not find the required facilities for 8 Minutes of Agony.
At the end of announcements today, YHC asked the SOJ residents when their takeover week was. It sounded like it might be coming this summer. Corporate has done it. Daville has done it. It time for the SOJ Takeover, the MOM Takeover, and the Far West End Takeover. Start planning everybody.
Great job today Twin Team! YHC did have a difficult upper body workout today and all PAX member performed outstanding. Even during the merkins and burpees around the field, there was very little distance between the first finisher and the last.
- Cornhole & Rock ‘N Roll, a ReeseStrong Childhood Cancer event, is this Saturday, June 10 at Marty’s Grill in Mechanicsville. The first band starts at 11 am. The cornhole tournament starts at 12:30 PM. To register or for more information, click here or see Phonics.
- Fudd is also hosting a party (M’s invited) at his house that night. RSVP to his preblast.
- VQ week starts June 26.
- Wednesday Hill Run – 5:30 PM
- West End Lunch – Friday at Whole Foods at noon.
- June 17 – Marv is leading a 2.0 friendly workout at 7 am following Dogpile.
- Richmond Hackathon – July 24 – For more information, see Viral
It was a pleasure leading this PAX today.
Phonics Out
Dang Phonics, you have absolutely crushed it this week! Well done, my brother.
Thank you Lab Rat. It was a fun, sleep deprived week. Well done Davillians and F3 RVA!
Impressive Q here, Phonics. You took no prisoners and shared the love (pain) abundantly. Thank you for raising the temperature!
Great job yesterday Phonics! My shoulders are still reeling from those merkins. I loved every bit of the DaVille takeover this week. It was great having you guys SOJ and we look forward to returning the favor later this summer.
Thanks for taking the lead and for providing a nice beat down.
Til next time.