Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Traditional River Run…Backwards


4 River Run veterans eschewed the forecast and broke free from the comfort of the fartsack to start the work week with some hills and some miles.

The suggestion was made during last week’s run and YHC decided to give it a try – the traditional River Run route backwards — left out of Bettie Weaver for a loop around by the high school across Robious and up the trail to Twin Team.  Up up up up…..up Twin Team, then down Powderham Lane and cross through the BUSH from the back side, across Robious Road and into Tarrington.  Down the long Ashwell hill and around the circle and back up to the swimming pool.  Hang a right and book it back to the Bettie Weaver past the high school.

Twin Team was a brutal as ever, but Rosie made it look easy.  He just pulls away with ease on the hills.  A mountain goat has nothing on him.  While the Ashwell downhill was a nice change, the hill coming back up toward the poolhouse was another kick in the shorts (at least for YHC) at the 3.5 mile mark.  Honemoon and Rosie were unphased.  We caught up to LugNut at about 4.25 miles and he was picking them up and putting them down steady as she goes.  4.82 on my watch, but I’m sure Rosie and Honeymoon got closer to 5 with a doubling back a couple times to pick me and LugNut up.

Well done fellas.  Always a great start to the work week.  Have a great Monday men!

No more Gumbo for you


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  1. Nice job guys. I’m still catching my breathe from Twin Team – man that hill sucks.