Saturday, September 7
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

AshCreek 5K


7 Runners showed up on this sunny and 70 morning for the 14th annual AshCreek 5K.

This is how it went down:


Race began at 8am on Linderwood Dr near the club house, turn left onto Brickerton Dr, turn left back onto Linderwood Dr to complete mile 1. Quick turn right onto Little Joselyn Dr, then left onto Tarleton Dr, left at Morella Pl, right onto Summer Grove Rd, then left back into Linderwood Dr to complete mile 2. Take Linderwood Dr down to a left onto Pantego Ln for a 1/2 mile, right back onto Bickerton Dr to complete mile 3. Sprint to the finish on the last 3 blocks of Brickerton Dr.


F3 was well represented by the 7 PAX members that signed up for the team as well as all Phonics 2.0’s on Team Reese Strong. Phonics lead the PAX completing the race in less than 20 minutes. Badger, Spit, and Mr Rodgers paced together for the first mile. Badger and Spit completed the race just under 23 minutes with Mr Rogers shortly behind just under 24 minutes.

Welcome to Simba who completed the race around 28 minutes. Hope to see you out at an AO soon!

Wild Thing finished around 33 minutes and Psycho decided to take his time came in around 43 minutes

We also had a booth to get the word out in the community about F3. See below (Sorry LabRat no takers on 5K the Hard Way!)

Several PAX Members place in their age groups:

3rd Place 30 to 39 group: Spit
1st Place 40 to 49 group: Phonics
2nd Place 50 to 59 group: Badger
2nd Place 60 to 69 group: Wild Thing

Also Team F3 was the second fastest team just a few seconds behind Team Reese Strong

Thanks to all the PAX that came out to support our community!!



  1. Great job fellas!! BTW I spoke to a man that is putting on another 5k in our community on June 10th at Hanover HS. He would like F3 to have a presence there! I’ll more info soon!