Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Exploration of Green Acres


Eight Davillians journeyed east to explore Pole Green Park at the inaugural Green Acres bootcamp.  Although we were only able to survey a small portion of the more 200 plus acres, there was excitement in the air as we laid a foundation for many future workouts at this AO. This is what transpired.

COP – SSH, Arm Circles, DQs, LBCs, Bent Knee Jumps, Merkins

Mosey to Bus Loop

Run 3 laps around the bus loop doing the following at each light post:  Lap 1 – 3 burpees, Lap 2 – 5 WWII sit-ups, Lap 3 – 3 Jump Squats

Mosey to hill separating the school from the park.

Elevens:  Two-Count Break Dance Kicks and WWII Sit-ups

Mosey to the field.

Partner up – One partner runs while the other completes the following exercises:  46 Merkins and 222 LBCs

Mosey back to bus loop and circle up in grassy median.

Start in Plank Position, then IC 4 count Carolina Dry Docks/Merkins for total of 10.   Hold plank

Rotate to side elbow plank – After about 20 seconds, IC – 4 count side APD for total of 10 – Hold plank

Rotate to back plank – After about 20 seconds, IC – 4 count incline APD for total of 10 – Hold plank

Rotate to side elbow plank – After about 20 seconds, IC – 4 count side APD for total of 10 – Hold plank

Rotate to plank – After about 20 seconds, IC – 4 count rotating elbow planks.

Recover and mosey back to flag


YHC has been thinking about starting an AO in eastern Mechanicsville for a while.  The purpose is to try to draw people from neighborhoods off Pole Green Road and Mechanicsville Turnpike.  Pole Green Park seemed to be the perfect location.  Although YHC was slightly disappointed that no FNGs showed up today, the 8 veterans that were present performed outstanding.  Today was more of an expedition of the park.  We discovered a bus loop, a pair of hills, and fields that seem to never end.  Future expeditions will hopefully discover many additional treasures in this 200 plus acre AO.

Mumble chatter was quite high today with the following observations:

  1.  Lab Rat believes Break Dance Kicks is actually another exercise but believes the exercise we did today was the 2nd dumbest exercise he has ever done.  The dumbest was partner APDs.  YHC did not ask for a demonstration of partner APDs.
  2. Possibly the first F3 workout that side APDs and Incline APDs have been performed while the traditional APDs was not part of the workout.
  3. Lab Rat has the ups as was demonstrated while jumping over a rope fence today.
  4. Mudface has a great bit of knowledge about the historic Pole Green Church.
  5. Qing 3 straight mornings leads to sleep deprivation.  A huge thumbs up to TYA, Johnsonville, and anybody else who have Qed 7 straight mornings.

YHC must apologize to Mudface.  A week and a half ago, YHC mentioned the possibility of a test run of the new AO on Thursday, May 4.  After hearing from others that they were not going, YHC was a no show as well.  2 days ago, YHC was told that Mudface showed up at the park for the test run.  Mudface drove around the park for a while to try to find the PAX.  After determining that one other PAX members were there and being questioned by a deputy as to why he was driving around the park, he did a solo workout.  Thank you Mudface for your dedication to F3 RVA.  It is requested by YHC that Mudface’s solo posting be recorded in Big Data and a letter of dedication be placed in his corporate file.


F3 RVA’s kickoff of F3 Charlottesville – 6 Saturdays starting May 20.  Try to make one of these.  See Lab Rat or TYA for more information.

Ashcreek 5K – May 20 – Sign up on the F3 RVA team.

VQ week starts June 26.

It was an honor and a privilege to lead this group today and be part of the new AO.

Phonics Out.


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  1. Thank you Gentlemen for coming out today. Great job! Remember, no matter how brutal of a beatdown you receive at Green Acres, just listen to the theme song. You will be happy for the rest of the day.

  2. Green Acres is the place to be…sounds like there are tremendous possibilities for beatdowns there.

    Well done fellas. I have never done the Break Dance Kicks. I am looking forward to Phonics or Lab Rat (or one of you) demonstrating those at Dogpile on Saturday.

  3. “No break dance kicks for you!”

    However, we may have to do the OG exercise, the break dancer….havent done those in a while.

    2 days of Phonics Q’s in a row is NOT what the doctor ordered. Serious soreness going on. I hope that this will not affect performance on Saturday.

    Green Acres is the place to be next week too….Lab Rat Q! Road trip, boys! There very well could be props….

  4. Phonics – Thanks for taking the helm and launching this new AO. Green Acres will be a great one. Lots of toys for Qs to use in dealing out fitness. So many options, so many visions of breathless pax members seeking the 615 and seeing only more green. The F3RVA annals will record this AO as one of the great ones and this birth as a moment to be remembered. To the Gloom!

  5. Sorry to have missed the inaugural AO near the “23111”. I def will be out soon!!

    See y’all in the gloom!