Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Cinco (Miles) in Mayo


A Lucky 13 showed up to run.  No bikers, just running.

Today’s route was the Carillon in cuatro, cinco, and seis mile variants.

BT took us out.


As YHC woke to the sound of heavy rain, he wondered who would show up, if anyone.  As Q, there is no option to reconsider and fartsack.  YHC was pleased to find big blue and his entourage waiting in the parking lot with many other showing up as time closed on 5:30.

The rain subsided and gave us some phenomenal running weather and just enough time to finish and circle up before the liquid onslaught resumed. By the way, this degree of precision was predicted by Marv’s weather app.

It was good to see the Pax today, especially those I have not seen in a while like Oyster.


5/20 – C-ville Launch – Labrat will be streaking the Lawn.

VQ week the week of June 26 – If you haven’t Q’d before, now is the time.  If you want to Q a new AO, that works too.  Get a couple of VQ’s together and share a workout.

*Lockjaw has developed cadence instruction, available both in cassette tape and CD, to help overcome VQ anxiety.  Its a game changer.  Private lessons available as well.

Upchuck, ever the pioneer in fashion (rivaling Offshore in the advancement of workout gear), is launching men’s midriff cut running shirts.  Keeps the tummy cool on hot days and makes a statement!



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  1. Sorry to miss, had to stay close to home this morning. Love the carillon route!

  2. Lockjaw is right on the money. The weather app called it to the minute. Let the record show…it’s $10 total for the app…not per month. You can make fun if you want…but you are making fun of excellence.