Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Cinco de F3


8 men braved the weather and beat the fartsacks this morning to witness the VQ of Chowdah. The SF was planted and the PAX got to work.

Mosey around the church building



– Arm circles

– Don Quixotes

– Freddie Mercuries

– Cotton Pickers

Mosey to the building corner

Cinco de F3

The PAX paired up and proceeded to do a four corner workout with sets of 5.

Wheelbarrow with partner halfway along length of building

5 two count mountain climbers

5 burpees

5 wide stance merkins

5 WWII situps

5 boxcutters

Plank when finished last lap around the building

PAX completed 3 times around the building and the Q realized we were going to run out of time if we didn’t move on.

Mosey to field

Indian run around the field

Mosey to flag

Ring of fire – 10 merkins

Numberama, Namerama, Abacus took us out.


YHC was up before his alarm as it was his VQ this morning. Like a kid on Christmas Eve, sleep was elusive

Waiting for the rain to subside, the YHC and LP took bets on who would show up first. By-Product was the winner followed close behind by Wheelie. Out of the blue, The Carpenter (although he told YHC he wouldn’t be there) showed up after a long drive home from Queens to surprise YHC on this momentous day

It being Cinco de Mayo, YHC had full intention of making it around the building 5 times, but just like so many things in life, what looked good on paper doesn’t always transfer well to real life. We stuck with our five sets and made it through

From the beginning, Abacus lived up to his name, counting forwards, backwards, skipping numbers, and doing everything he could do confound the PAX. There was not a dry spot on the ground and not one member of the PAX made it out without being totally and completely drenched. Thankfully, the temperature was high enough to keep it comfortable.

Thanks to everyone who came out for this day. It was a privilege and a pleasure to be beat down with this crew. Looking forward to the next time.


By-Product will be moving from the 23116 to the 23111 and will need some strong arms and hands next week. Contact him if you can give him a hand.


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  1. Great Q Chowdah! 60 WWII Situps was a good contribution to the challenge. Rejoining the PAX this morning for some Sunny & 70 weather after a long stint on DR was perfect. Missed you all!

  2. Chowdah, way to go! I wss beat! Don’t give abacus a hard time for his counting when I know there were 10 guys out there, not 8. 🙂 fun time in the rain.

  3. Well done Chowdah. That was a colossal beatdown. I loved that The Carp made it out for your VQ. The erratic counting was to bring a tad bit of Emoji to your VQ. i loved how Mudface held that push up at the end. Good times

  4. Ugh so sorry to be out of town. That looks like a serious beat Down! Congrats!