Six grim eyed warriors bravely conquered the fartsack to face the rain and gloom to scream defiance in the face of the Sad Clown. This is how the battle progressed…
Mosey to school entrance
SSH x 10
Hillbillies x 10
DQ x 10
Mosey to front yard
Crush Your Enemies
11s – goblet squats and Lawnmowers each side
5 step Death Crawl between
See Then Driven Before You
Tree of Woe – Partner up with someone with a bell close to the same weight. Partner one runs the loop while partner two static holds both bells at arms length to the sides until partner one returns, switch
Two rounds
Hear the Lamentation of Their Women
Valeria (Lindsey)
Merkin Rows and sit up press
adjust by ten each time
2 count Mountain Climbers between sets x 20
6 Clean and press at every third parking space. Right arm down, left arm back
6 of whatever you want down and back
Mosey to the VF
Askcreek 5K May 20th see Spit
Charlottsville expansion May 20th see LabRat
New AO in Mechanicsville at Pole Green Park May 11th See Phonics
Emoji took us out
Welcome to Blue Cheese, hope to see you around more. YHC only had a 10 pound bell for him to use. This brought some mumblechatter at the beginning but he seemed to be more appreciative of it at the end.
YHC was originally worried that the beatdown would not live up to the Conan theme in intensity. But one the Tree of Woe was brought out and experienced, all doubts vanished. As usual, Helix’s form was excellent, even when he was trying to death crawl back to his car.
Once again thanks for giving me the privilege of leading and for allowing me to be part of this great group.
Do you want to live forever?
Great Theme Mudface! Sorry to have missed this morning leaving our FNG with a 10lb KB. My extra wouldn’t have been that much better at 15lbs.
Glad to see the numbers are up at MANNDate!! Keep EHing guys!
See y’all in the Gloom!
Great Q Mud Face! Shoulders feel it! Definitely not a workout for Girly Men.
Also welcome Blue Cheese! Hope to see you out again soon!
Tree of Woe was killer. Gravity definitely won that battle with me. Welcome Blue Cheese. See you in the gloom.