The inaugural TwinTeam Friday AO began this morning with 6 redwoods that stepped out of their rides and into the wind. McRib mentioned he knew a place where the wind was blocked and I think it was the same idea YHC had.
Short mosey to the front of the school for 20 SSH, then mosey down the sidewalk toward Twin Team Lane with high knees, butt kickers and side shuffles along the way.
Circle up in the cul-de-sac for 15xIW and 20xFreddies. Mosey up the hill a little ways until we got to a good steep part.
Twin Team Ladder – Start at the bottom (leave a light behind to mark the spot) with 10 merkins and 10 crunchy frogs, run 10 strides up the hill and do 1 burpee. Return to the start for 10 merkins and 10 CF, go 20 strides and 2 burpees, back for 10 and 10, continue up to 70 strides/7 burpees.
Mosey back to the cul-de-sac for 15xMonkey Humpers, 20x Box Cutters, 15xMakhtar N’daiyes. Mosey down the trail to the playground and partner up. P1 – hanging leg raises, P2 – run the straightaway of the track and back. 2 rounds then switch to 2 round of dips. 5 pull ups OYO
Mosey to the bus loop, Ring of Fire. Sprint back to the flag to have enough time for Mary. LBC, 1-leg APD, Dollies.
YHC took us out with a brief comment on gratitude not only for the big things like health, family and F3 but the unseen things like opportunities and freedoms that we don’t always take the time to appreciate.
McRib was right, TwinTeam is a great wind blocking location so YHC headed over there first to warm Wilson up since he came bundled up like it was February. YHC thinks most of the PAX expected a tour of the hill that is the AOs namesake. The 4th rung and above on the ladder was tough but the PAX pushed through. There was plenty more hill remaining to add some rungs on the ladder to get up to the top. I am sure the TwinTeam ladder will make its way back again. Plank to Elbow Plank is a Makhtar N’Daiye, YHC called it out as plank to elbows and apparently DK did these at SOT but no one knew the name. Plank to elbow is easier to pronounce. Maybe this needs to develop its own RVA name.
Mr. Roper said something to the effect of, you can get a decent workout anywhere but you don’t get the intensity by yourself that you do with a group of idiots rolling around on the ground at 5:30 in the morning. I may be misquoting him but as the saying goes, it doesn’t get easier, you get stronger.
As always it was a pleasure to lead today. Looking forward to more Fridays at TwinTeam.
Golf – May 19 Wilson
Charlottesville – Lab Rat, send contacts to
April HDHH – Flashdance is the man
Great workout, Rosie. I love that this AO is less than 5 min from the house. Twin Team Ladders are great…really great. How many rungs would it take to make it to the top?
That was a solid beat down! Looking forward to more of Twin Team.
River Run and Twin Team makes for a nice bookend to the work week. Thank you Rosie for leading both times this week. The inaugural TT was a solid beat down and any use of the Twin Team hill is guaranteed to make your lungs and legs burn.
Great job today by all.
See you next week.
I was thinking about that. We’ll have to try that one day, sounds painful
This is going to be a strong A/O. Lots of Sad Clowns will die at the hands of TwinTeam.
The BB theme of the week seems to be “idiots”. Probably just a coincidence.