Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Celebrating Opening Day (and a nice sunrise) at Dogpile


19 strong men posted to Dogpile to welcome in April 2017 with our version of an F3 opening day and, despite the wet baseball fields that YHC initially wanted to utilize, we made the most of our greatest AO.  It went like this:

COP (all IC and all x27), including SSHs,Imperial Walkers, LBCs and Flutter Kicks.

1 minute plank

Mosey to the Amphitheater for 6 innings of some baseball.  Defense = exercises at the base of the amphitheater; Offense = sprint the steps to the top and back down.  1 minute of plank in between each inning (6 minutes of plank total), as follows:

  • Exercises in Innings 1 -3 – 30 merkins, 30 jump squats, 30 WWII situps
  • Innings 4 and 5 (bottom part of the order) – same exercises but 10 reps of each
  • Inning 6 (the big hitters again) – 20 reps of each exercise

Mosey (swiftly) past the parking lot and to the bridge to take in the first sunrise of April with a burpee run across the bridge.  On the way out, 2 burpees at each lamppost.  Rabbits run all the way to Riverside Drive and turn around (no burpees on the way back).  When the non-rabbits are passed by the rabbits, do 3 burpees and turn around (no burpees on the way back).  Al Gore (or perfect invisible chair if your name is Helix) until the six gets back.

Line up for an Indigenous People Run back to the SF.  Al Gore and LBCs for the six and finish up with 1 minute in elbow plank (for a total of 8 minutes today).

COT, Number-rama, name-a-rama and YHC took us out.


  1. Charlottesville expansion – get reach out to your contacts in C-ville, get them plugged in and send all contacts to LabRat at F3charlottesville@gmail.com.  See Lab Rat for more details.
  2. Breaking Bread has been added to the Q sheet – sign up for a Q and grab some volunteers for a great cause.  Good for 2.0s and family members.
  3. Monday, April 3 – River Run reverts to a run, as its names demands.  Join us on the southside for some serious hills.
  4. Friday, April 7 — new AO #TwinTeam begins at the same location as RiverRun (Bettie Weave ES) and this will be a bootcamp.
  5. Galactosemia golf tournament – May 19.  There are spots left – see Wilson

A great group this morning.  Thanks for indulging YHC and his opening day theme.  The original plan was to run to the nearby baseball fields for some true F3 Baseball, but YHC didn’t think Richmond Little League would look kindly on us destroying their fields after the rain.  Nonetheless, we pushed through and got in a good beatdown and I expected no less.

Mumblechatter was high this morning and YHC loved it.  There was great energy, encouragement and intensity.  We were all enjoying ourselves and pushing each other at the same time.  That is what I love the most about this group.

We hope the Woodfin crew is killing it down in Daytona!

Thank you for letting me lead.   I am always humbled to step out in front such an impressive group.

No more Gumbo for you.

P.s. – YHC took his kids out for a walk around Belle Island and then hit Pops Market for lunch – damn, those are some good sandwiches.  YHC will be posting at the next Thursday lunch for that Cuban!


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  1. Great beat down this morning. Thought I was going to faint after bottom of the 1st and instructions were repeato. All those WWII sit-ups are humbling. Best way to start the weekend. Thanks for leading the charge, Gumbo.

  2. Honey Do RVA on

    Between all those WWII situps and plank my Abs are feeling it, thanks Gumbo. Missed Sippy and Hardywood on Burpee Bridge, we needed faster Rabbits as I got way too far.

  3. BT (Big Tennessee) on

    Huge T claps to Helix for getting across the bridge and saving some of us at least 8 burpees. Great Q! Always good to work in baseball, a sunrise and a bunch of good dudes. Please add “Ridgeliner” to the name bank.

  4. Hit send to soon! Loved the 2 no F! Enjoyed getting to know Cottonmouth and Sabatoge more!

  5. Great workout as usual Gumbo. Similar to my reaction had I been forced to sit through an actual baseball game, I was pleased when you chose to cut the number of innings short.

    Cosmo and particularly Helix were the ones to beat along the bridge…way to go fellas.

    I like BT’s suggestion to add “Ridgeliner” to the name bank, although I can’t imagine what one would have to do to earn that moniker…oh wait, yes I can.