Seven men took the redpill this morning by posting at CircusMaximus with kettlebells in hand. Johnsonville (YHC) remembered to plant a SF, and led a workout along these lines:
25x SSH
25x DonQuiote
10x burpees
Mosey to courtyard by bus loop. COT
15x arm circles (front)
15x arm circles (back)
10x big arm circles (front)
10x big arm circles (back)
20x kettlebell swings OYO
10x burpees
Mosey to pillar area by bus loop
Ciabatta — single arm swings
Ciabatta — sit and press
Mosey to wall by parking area
10x burpees
DORA 1-2-3 (Normal teams of 2; 100 donkey kicks; 200 merican rows; 300 goblet squats). Runner runs without KB around landscaping area on other side of faculty parking lot.
Mosey to SF area.
12x slow American Hammers
12x pole smokers / heels to heaven
COT with Attila taking us out
Attila and WhiteDeer were not as feisty toward one another as usual. I am starting to worry that they have reached some kind of a truce. Hoops was stood up by his sponsor (and mentor) Gumbo yet again. Hoops’ wingman, Cheetah, also stood up hoops in favor of a snug fartsack. Toga swung big kettlebells, taking care of business quietly and efficiently. Offshore shoes were super flashy this morning, making me think that they received a recharge last night. Offshore, himself, exhibited his usual steady and ultra-calm strength. Mudface deserves praise for many things, not the least of which are (i) showing up, (ii) always wearing a smile, and (iii) always giving it his all.
Time flew by this morning, which is good because I am getting tired…. It was an honor to lead kind and strong men this morning in RVA. Respectfully, Johnsonville
Great Q JVille… Dora brought her best out in all of us this morning. Those odd man pairs make it a little difficult to manage early in the morning. Hoops 3 Gumbo 0
Another solid Q by Mr Sausage himself. 300 goblet squats was more than enough.
Props to White Deer and Jville for giving some love to Toga’s 45lb Big Bertha Bell.
Had to take a KB break yesterday so did 45MoM. Looks like I missed a good one.
Well done gents.
As for my absence, the ironic thing is that it was my attempt at playing HOOPS after 25 years on the sideline that kept me from posting.
For the record, I think the count is Hoops 4 and Gumbo 1 — I Q’d his second posting or did you successfully wipe the painful Merkin-row/WWI sit n press Lindsays from your memory?
Hoops – keep crushing it my man. Gumbo’s always watching!